Write an Application to Your Principal Requesting Her to Arrange a Trip to Agra Which is a Famous Historical place
From leave application to special request, students can address the Principal for various reasons but your letter must be formal and free of grammatical errors. The letter must be unambiguous and to the point. The students can themselves draft the letter but must ensure all formal letter writing conventions. The following are the sample format of application to principals that can be put into use in most of the plots.

Set 1
Question-1: You are a member of the social club of your school. Students of your class have the aspiration to visit a famous historical place. Write an application to your Principal requesting her to arrange a trip to a well known historical place.
Hints: Reason for writing the letter- state your name- Class and roll number- Where you want to visit- How the visit can be educationally beneficial- End on a note of hope
2/A Square Park,
New Delhi- 110065,
July 15, 2021.
The Principal,
A.B.C School,
Rose Valley ,
New Delhi- 110075.
Sub: Application for arranging an educational trip.
Respected Ma’am,
I am Snigdha Jain a student of class IX-C having Roll Number 32. With all due respect, I on behalf of the students of class IX would like to request you to arrange a trip to Agra Fort.
We want to visit the place because of its historical value. We believe this trip will give practical exposure to the subject. Secondly, we have learnt Agra Fort was one of the most important forts during the Mughal Period and it is also designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. We have to read about the Mughal Period as a part of our syllabus thus a first-hand experience will give a better understanding of the chapter.
We shall be highly obliged if you arrange the trip to Agra Fort according to Institution’s time and convenience.
Thanking You,
Snigdha Jain
(School Captain)
Class: IX, Sec: B
Roll No: 32
Set 2
Question-2: Students of class X need to read about the Mughal Dynasty as a part of the school curriculum and want to experience history first hand. On behalf of students of class X write a letter to the Principal praying to arrange a trip to Agra which is the bed of the Mughal Dynasty.
Hints: Introduce yourself- Why you want to visit Agra- Why it will be a fruitful trip- End with a note of hope and thanking him
21, P.K.Road,
Orissa- 556201,
August 12, 2021.
The Principal,
A.B.C. School,
17/G Square Street,
Orissa- 556021.
Subject: Application to arrange a trip to Agra for the students of Class X.
Respected Sir,
I Priyanka Saha a student of class X, Section A, Roll Number 25, on the behalf of students of class X would like to send out my request to arrange a trip to Agra according to Institution’s suitability. Agra as a city is full of cultures and where history unfolds in front of our eyes. We have been longing to visit the historical sites of Agra like Fatehpur Sikri, Akbar’s Tomb, Jama Masjid and so on. We believe that this tour will be useful for us from an academic point of view.
You are requested to consider our submission sympathetically by arranging the trip to Agra. We shall be forever grateful to you for your act of kindness.
Priyanka Saha
(Co-ordinator of Nature’s Club)
Class: X, Sec: A
Roll No: 25
Set 3
Question-3: Students of class IX of your school want to visit Agra for its historical value. You are the class representative, Write an application to your principal asking him to organise a trip to Agra which is a famous historical place.
Hints: Mention the necessary detail- Where you want to visit- Why you want to visit- Thank him for his time and consideration
12D Jadavpur,
Kolkata- 70025,
October 8, 2021.
The Principal,
A.B.C. School,
A&C Golpark,
Kolkata- 70019.
Sub: Appeal to arrange an educational and recreational tour.
Respected Sir
Most humbly and respectfully I beg to state that I am Vibha Seth of class IX Section A having Roll Number 35, on behalf of students of class IX would like to request to organise an educational trip to Agra. We want to go on an educational trip this year for a breakthrough from our daily routine. The trip will be beneficial for our academics also. The magical allure of the Taj Mahal, magnificent forts, tombs and fascinating mausoleums have attributed to the grandeur of the city. We all have read these in the history books and want to experience them beforehand.
Therefore I request you to kindly look into the proposal with consideration. I shall be highly obliged to you.
Thanking You,
Vibha Seth
(Class Representative)
Class: IX, Sec: A
Roll Number: 35
Set 4
Question-4: The members of the history club want to muster knowledge about the history of the Mughal Dynasty and chose Agra to be an ideal place for that. As a member of the history club, Write an application to your principal requesting him/her to arrange a trip to Agra which is popular for historical places.
Hints: Share the necessary information as a student- Reason for the letter- Name of the place of visit- Who agreed to be on the trip- Thank her for her time
77 Memorial Drive,
Mumbai- 110011,
November 15, 2021.
The Principal,
A.B.C. School,
20, City Square,
Mumbai- 110047.
Sub: Request to arrange a trip to a historical place.
Respected Ma’am.
With due respect, I Mandira Sen of class IX, Section B having Roll Number 15 would like to request on behalf of the students of the History Club of class X to organise a trip to Agra. Being members of the history club we would love to indulge in the historical culture. Thus, we feel a trip to Agra will be an ideal place to quench our thirst for history. The historically gorgeous city, Agra is linked with Mughal Dynasty. The forts and monuments around the city will bring academic value to the trip. Already thirty students have given assent to the proposal and our history teacher Mr Vishwanatha Singh has also agreed to join us on the trip.
We would like to thank you for your kind consideration regarding the proposal. We are hopeful you will arrange our desired trip to Agra according to the institution’s time and ease.
Thanking You
Mandira Sen
(Member of History Club)
Class IX, Sec: B
Roll No: 15
Give special attention to the opening and the closing phrase and also be careful about the use of punctuation and indentation of the paragraphs. The format of the formal letter is the soul of the entire letter. I hope the session has provided you with a variety of useful information which you can use while drafting a letter to the principal.