Write an Application Letter to the Principal to Issue a Duplicate Identity Card


In today’s article, I am going to show you how to write an application letter to the principal to issue a duplicate identity card. While writing an application, you need to keep the format and structure of the letters in mind. Refer to the following examples, whenever you are asked to compose such letters. Without any further ado, let’s begin.

Feature image of Application Letter to the Principal to Issue a Duplicate Identity Card

Set 1

Question-1: You have lost your identity card while returning from school. Write an application letter to the principal to issue a duplicate identity card.

Hints:  How did you lose it- What problems did you face after losing it- Humble request to issue another one

65 Park Circus Avenue,
Kolkata 700089,
April 09, 2021.

The Principal,
Loretto High School,
Sealdah, Kolkata.


Sub: Requesting to issue a duplicate identity card

Respected Madam,

I, Genelia Matt, am a student of class VII, section B of your reputed institution. I am writing this letter to inform you that I have lost my identity card and I kindly request you to issue a duplicate identity card. The incident took place while I was returning from school to home. I always keep my identity card in a safe place. However, that day it slipped out of my pocket without my notice and I could not find it later. Today, I was not allowed to enter the school without an identity card, however, my class teacher gave me permission to enter. I earnestly request you to issue a duplicate identity card as soon as possible. I will be highly obliged if you take my situation into consideration. 

Visa Guide:  Write an Application Letter to the Principal for Leave for Three days to Attend the Marriage of Your Cousin

Yours faithfully,
Genelia Matt (Class VII, B)

Set 2

Question-2: You have lost your identity card while playing for a football match in a different school.  Write an application letter to the principal to issue a duplicate identity card.

Hints: How you lost the card- Details of the incident- Your request for issuing a new card

23 Lake Road,
Hyderabad 600089,
April 10, 2021.

The Principal,
North Point School,
B.K.Lane, Hyderabad,

Sub: Requesting to issue a duplicate identity card

Respected Sir,

I, Aditya Jain, am a student of class X section A of your reputed institution. I would like to inform you that I have misplaced my identity card and I kindly request you to issue me a duplicate identity card. Recently, our school football team was sent to another neighboring school for a football match and I was a part of that team.

Before the start of the match, all of us were asked to submit the identity card to the counter, however, once the match was over and I came back to collect my identity card, I could not find it. I reported the incident to the authority but they could not find it either. Since an identity card is extremely important, I earnestly request you to issue me a duplicate one at the earliest. I will be highly obliged if you consider my situation.

Visa Guide:  Write a Letter to Your Principal for Leave Due to Fever in English [4 Examples]

Yours faithfully,
Aditya Jain ( Class X, A)

Set 3

Question-3: You lost your identity card in the computer lab. Write an application letter to the principal to issue a duplicate identity card.

Hints- Describe the incident in detail- What did you try to find it- Your request for issuing another card

 4B, Jamnagar,
Delhi 600078,
April 11, 2021.

The Principal,
Delhi Public School,
C.P Road, Delhi.

Sub: Requesting to issue a duplicate identity card

Respected Madam,

I, Dia Sharma, am a student of class VII, section B of your reputed institution. I am really sorry to inform you that I have lost my identity card. My identity card was inside of my files which I carried to the computer lab. After the computer class was over, I could not find the file anywhere and along with the file, I lost my school identity card too. I have reported it to the Lost and Found section of our school but they are unable to find it. I earnestly request you to issue me a duplicate identity card. It would be of great help. I will be highly obliged if you take my situation into consideration.

Yours faithfully,
Dia Sharma ( Class VII, B)

Set 4

Question-4: You lost your identity while taking part in a competition in your locality. Write an application letter to the principal to issue a duplicate identity card.

Hints:  How you lost your card- Your urgency- Your polite request 

56, South West Road,
Mumbai 500061,
April 11, 2021.

Visa Guide:  Write an Application to the Headmaster Praying for Leave in Advance

The Principal
Mumbai National School
Bandra, Mumbai

Sub: Requesting to issue a duplicate card

Respected Sir,

I, Rohit Khurana, am a student of class IX, section C of your reputed institution. I would like to inform you that I have misplaced my identity card recently and I earnestly request you to issue me a new identity card. I went to a poetry competition in my locality to take part in it. For participation, all the participants had to carry their school identity cards. I lost the card while returning from the competition. The organizers of the competition searched for the card everywhere. But they were unsuccessful in their attempts. Hence, I humbly request you to issue me a duplicate identity card at an early date. I will be highly obliged if you take my situation into consideration. 

Yours sincerely,
Rohit Khurana ( Class IX, C)

In this article, I taught you how to write an application letter to the principal to issue a duplicate identity card. Did you like the session? Was it helpful? Let us know in the comments section below. We love to hear your opinion. Also, do not forget to check out our website for more interesting content like this.

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