Write a Letter to Your Friend Declining the Invitation to Attend Her/His Birthday Party


Even a couple of decades back, people used to write personal letters to each other for general conversation purposes. Inviting someone to an event through personal letters used to be quite relevant. But after the emergence of digital technologies, personal letters became quite impractical to write in daily life. But still, many institutions use personal letters as a part of their writing comprehension to test the students’ overall writing and communication skill.

In today’s session, you will learn how to write personal letters to your friend declining the invitation to attend his/her birthday party. So, let’s get started.

Example 1

Question: Your friend has invited you to attend his birthday party. Write a letter to him declining his invitation due to your exam. 

Hints: Your exam coming ahead- Exam dates clashing with the birthday date- Quite a tragedy for you- You will ask teachers about schedule change- Will attend if exam dates get changed- Conclusion

Sahid-E-Azam Bhagat Singh Road, Baranagar
Kolkata: 700896


August 12, 2020

Dear Raktim,

I have just finished reading the last letter you wrote to me. I am so glad that you invited me to your birthday party. Happy birthday to you in Advance. But I am so sorry to let you know that most possibly I would not be able to attend your birthday party. In this letter, please allow the space to explain my reason for declining your invitation. 

Actually, my second-term exam is coming ahead. And most probably, it will be conducted by next month. If the current schedule remains unchanged, I will be writing papers even on the very date of your birthday. It’s not less than quite a tragedy for me. Still, I will talk to my class teachers as soon as possible and ask them if there is any possibility of any change in the exam schedule.

I am assuring you, if any change happens, I will not think twice about attending your birthday party. I will notify you accordingly. Please don’t mind my inability. 

Visa Guide:  Write a Letter to Your Ailing Mother Inquiring about Her Health [With PDF]

Your dear friend,

Example 2

Question: You have been invited to a friend’s birthday party. Write a letter to him/her declining the invitation as you have to attend one of your relatives’ wedding ceremonies on the same date. 

Hints: Your friend invited in his/her birthday- You declining invitation- Your uncle’s wedding- You live in a joint family- Have to work together- Sent your friend invitation card- Your regret for being unable to attend- Conclusion

2/61 Dhoniakhali Sarani, Sonarpur
South 24 Parganas, West Bengal

September 23, 2021

Dear Barkha,

In your last letter, you have invited me to your birthday party. I would be so happy if I could attend the party. But unfortunately, one of my very close relatives’ wedding ceremony will take place on the same date as your birthday. That’s why I would not be able to attend your party. In this letter, please let me explain my reason in detail. 

This is basically my uncle’s wedding. As you know we live in a joint family, we have to act together in all programs. The wedding was decided a few months back and I have to help my parents. I have even sent an invitation letter to you as well. You’ll receive it shortly if already haven’t. It’s been a long time that I haven’t met you. But it’s my bad luck that I can’t attend your birthday ceremony.

Hopefully, you have understood the gravity of my problem. Happy birthday in advance and many many happy returns of the day. Please don’t mind my inability to attend the party. I wish to meet you very soon.

Your loving friend

Example 3

Question: You are Altaf. Recently your friend has invited you to his/her birthday party. Write a letter to him/her declining the invitation as you have suddenly fallen sick.

Hints:  Your friend invited to his/her birthday- You declining due to sickness since last month- Suffering from Dengue- Admitted to hospital- Saved by doctors and medicines- Now slowly recovering- Post-suffering weakness- going under restrictions- Doctors suggested to rest- Regret- Conclusion

34.C Birsa Munda Sarani, North Moninpukur
Kolkata: 700013

Visa Guide:  Write a Letter to Your Friend About Your Hobby [With PDF]

February 11, 2021

Dear Arindam,

In the last letter, you have invited me to your birthday party next week. I am so glad that you invited me. But unfortunately, I think I will not be able to attend this party. 

For the last two months, I have fallen seriously ill. It’s Dengue that attacked me. For a few days, I even had to get admitted to a hospital. With the help of doctors and medicines, I have been able to save myself. Currently, I am slowly recovering from that sickness. Due to the long-suffering, I am still very weak. Besides, I am going under a lot of restrictions. And the doctors have strictly advised me to take rest for at least one more month.

Believe me, I would be the happiest if I could attend your birthday party. However, please don’t mind. Wish you a happy birthday in advance. I hope we will meet again soon. 

Your best friend,
Altaf Hossein

Example 4

Question: You are Kaushik. A birthday party has been organised by your best friend and you’re invited. But as you have recently lost one of your close relatives in covid, write a letter to your friend declining the invitation to attend that birthday party.

Hints: Friend invited you to his/her birthday- You declining invitation- You lost a family member in covid- he/she was a doctor- A frontline covid-warrior- Saved lives- Fell sick- Diagnosed covid-19 positive- Fell to death after fighting for days- Huge loss for your family- Too depressed to attend any happy ceremony- Conclusion

88/7, East Station Road,
Kolkata: 700110

Visa Guide:  Write a Letter to Your Father about Your Exam Result [With PDF]

December 11, 2020

Dear Yash,

Thank you so much for inviting me to your birthday party next month. But unfortunately, I will not be able to attend your birthday party. In this letter, please let me explain the reason for my inability to attend your party.

Actually, last week I lost one of my very close family members in covid. He was my uncle. He was a doctor working in a government hospital as a frontline covid warrior. He has saved hundreds of people’s lives since last year when the pandemic started. Around a month ago, he fell sick himself and was diagnosed as covid-19 positive. After 20days of fighting, my uncle lost the war to death in his own hospital. He was such a noble soul, you know. All of us in our family are still mourning this loss. 

I hope you understand that we are so depressed due to this extremely unfortunate incident that I can hardly attend any happy ceremony now. I hope you don’t mind. Wish you a very happy birthday. Hopefully, we will meet again soon.

Best wishes and regards,

In the session above, I have discussed every possible aspect related to the primary context. Hopefully, now you have a holistic overview of the topic and you will be able to write such letters on your own. If you still have any queries regarding this topic, mention that in the comment section below. I will try to resolve your query as soon as possible. I would like to let you know that if you like our sessions, now you also download and store them as PDF. For more such sessions, keep browsing our website. 

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