Write a Letter to Your Father Requesting Him to Buy a New Bicycle
In this article, I’ll show you how to write a letter to your father requesting him to buy a new bicycle. These examples will come in handy if you’re asked to write a letter on the same subject. Let’s get started.

Set 1
Question-1: Your Birthday is coming and you want a new bicycle. Write a letter to your father requesting him to buy a new bicycle.
Hints: Why do you need a bicycle – What is the occasion – Who you are asking it from
Kolkata 700047,
September 20, 2021.
Dear father,
How are you doing? I hope everything is going well for you. We’re doing good as well. I just wanted to tell you that it’s about time for my birthday. You come every year, but this is the first time you haven’t been with me, and I miss you terribly, dad. I’d like to ask about my birthday. In the Khurana Shop, I saw this very cool bicycle. I’ve inquired about the cost; it is not excessive and falls within your budget for my birthday. I chose the colour and went on a test ride as well. The bicycle is very smooth and quick to paddle. I love riding my bicycle, and with it, I can practice as much as I need to. If you’re interested, please let me know.
Please take care of yourself.
Yours lovingly,
Set 2
Question-2: You broke your bicycle in a small accident. Write a letter to your father requesting him to buy a new bicycle.
Hints: How did you break your bicycle – What kind of bicycle you want – Is your father giving you the bicycle
Kolkata 700034,
September 10, 2021.
Dear father,
How are you, father? We are doing good and hope you are sailing the same boat. I’m sure your mother has already told you of my bicycle crash. To begin, I’d like to express my regret for being reckless and unmindful while riding my bike. Dad, please accept my apologies. As you are aware, I have broken my cycle and need a new one. When I ride my bike, I swear I will never be reckless or unmindful. I found this sweet and affordable bike that will also assist me in maintaining my grasp on the lane. I swear I’ll never ride rashly again, and I’ll follow everything you’ve told me. Please let me know if I should purchase the bicycle and resume cycling.
I hope to see you soon. Please pay us a visit soon.
Yours lovingly,
Set 3
Question-3: You saw an advanced bicycle in a shop. Write a letter to your father requesting him to buy a new bicycle.
Hints: Type of bicycle you want – Why do you want a bicycle – Who is buying the bicycle for you
Kolkata 700084,
September 15, 2021.
Dear father,
Hope you are doing well in Kolkata and you are liking your new job. We’re all doing well here, and we’re all missing you terribly. I’m writing to you today to make a request of you. The other day, I saw a really nice bicycle in the supermarket. The best thing is that the cycle is now on sale. From the various colours to the various varieties of tyres that will aid in grip. I’d already talked with the shopkeeper, who had taught me everything I needed to know about the cycle. Please let me know if I can buy the cycle. I swear I’ll keep it tidy and clean.
Please father come back soon.
Yours lovingly,
Set 4
Question-4: You are participating in a bicycle competition. Write a letter to your father requesting him to buy a new bicycle.
Hints: What type of bicycle you want – Are you taking part in the bicycle competition – Who are you asking you for the bicycle
Kolkata 700154,
September 22, 2021.
Dear father,
I hope everything is going well for you and that you are taking your medications on time. We’re all great here, and Nancy misses you every now and then. I wanted to let you know about some exciting news. In our school, I participated in a cycling ride. Our cycle isn’t up to par with the competition. I tested out a bicycle and really enjoyed it. It has everything I like, and the cycle is ideal for my competition. After that, I decided to ride my bike to school every day. I want to win this race, and I’m confident that I will. Please let me know if you are willing to allow me to purchase a bicycle and compete in the competition. I’ll be waiting for your answer. Please respond as soon as possible.
Yours lovingly,
So today, I showed you how to write a letter to your father requesting him to buy a new bicycle. I hope you found this article to be informative. Please share your thoughts and concerns in the comment section below. For more interesting topics like this visit our website frequently.