Write a Letter to Municipal Commissioner Asking for a Public Park in Your Area
Local self-administration maintains a direct connection between the public and the higher authority. As people need to know formal letter writing to maintain this connection, many institutions tend to include such relevant formal letters in their English comprehension tests.
Keeping that importance in mind, today we have decided to come up with a session that will focus on how to write official letters to the municipal commissioners asking for a public park in the area. So, let’s get started.

Example 1
Question: In your school, you have no dedicated field for sports. Write an application to the municipal commissioner local to your school area demanding a public park near your school that can also be used for your school’s sports purpose.
Hints: Old school- Not future proof- Field occupied by vendors- Rest allotted for a new building- No place to play- No annual sports event- Request for a public park- Access for sports events
Nabinumar Bose Sarani, Azad Nagar
Kolkata: 700114
September 12, 2021
The Commissioner
Kolkata Municipal Corporation
7/11 Chandrakona Road
Kolkata: 700002
Subject: A public park can serve the purpose of sports’ field
I am a student of class 9 from Azad Nagar Boys’ high school. I am writing you this letter today to bring to your kind attention that we have no dedicated sports field for our school. Actually, our school is located within quite a congested place and as it is more than 200 years old, the planning is no longer future proof. Some parts of the dedicated field have been occupied by market vendors adjacent to the school and the rest has been allotted for a new school building. As a result, currently, we have nowhere to play during our tiffin breaks or other free times. Especially during other schools’ annual sports ceremony, we feel this problem at its worst. For the last 3 years, we’re not having any annual sports ceremony.
So, my request to you is to build a public park near the school. As our school area is quite congested, people can have a sigh of relief in that park. Besides and most importantly, this park can be used for our and other schools’ annual sports events too.
Yours Sincerely,
Ruby Banerjee
Example 2
Question: Recently, the number of fields are getting reduced day by day in your locality. Write a letter to the local municipal commissioner complaining about this issue and request him to build a public park for the people of the area.
Hints: Densely populated- Buildings’ construction- Concrete colony- Losing greenery- Nowhere to relax- No playground for children- Long term health effects- Request for a public park
2/61 Hridaypur
North 24 Parganas, West Bengal
June 23, 2021
The Commissioner
Bongaon Municipality
SH 1, Bangaon
West Bengal 743235
Subject: People need a public park to breathe and relax
I am a resident of 2/61 Hridaypur downtown area, under Bongaon Municipality. This letter to you is intended to express my concern over the issue of reducing open grassland areas in our locality.
Our locality is one of the most densely populated areas in the entire Hridaypur. With time more and more residential buildings are being constructed and the population is increasing gradually. But as a result of such massive scale construction works open field areas are being decreased. The greenery of our town is also being reduced with it. People have nowhere to relax, children are losing their playing areas within the colony of concrete. This can have a major effect on the health of people and the children of this locality for the long term.
So, in this context, I want to request you to initiate building a public park in this locality, where we can restore the greenery, people can breathe freely and children can again enjoy their childhood.
Yours Sincerely,
Nilima Dhar
Example 3
Question: The public park in your area got damaged due to the heavy cyclone that hit the city last year. Write a letter to the local municipal commissioner of your locality explaining the issue and request him for the reconstruction of the public park.
Hints: Damaged by a cyclone last year- Trees uprooted- Damaged roads fixed- Park still in the same condition- Closed for people- Only place to relax- Request for reconstruction
55C Nabin Maira Road, Uttarpara
February 18, 2021
The Counsellor
Hooghly Chinsurah Municipality
Mahendra Mitra Road, Pipulpati
West Bengal 712103
Subject: Reconstruction of the public park is the need of the hour
I live n 55C Nabin Maira Road, Uttarpara, ward number 11, Hooghly Chinsurah Municipality. I am writing this letter to you today on behalf of all the people of our locality to bring under your kind attention that the public park in our area had been damaged by the cyclone Amphan last year, and still not reconstructed.
We all know that last year the cyclone Amphan has hit our state hard and we all had to suffer from severe losses due to the cyclone. In the same cyclone, the public park in our area got severely damaged as almost all the trees in the park were uprooted by the devastating storm. Many roads were in the same condition at that time, but within weeks everything got fixed. But it has been an entire year that our park has been kept under the same condition and closed for the public. The public park is the only place where many people used to go with their children every day to relax.
So, it is my earnest request to you to take the necessary steps to reconstruct the public park as soon as possible.
Yours Sincerely,
Md Anisur Rahman
Example 4
Question: People in your area have nowhere to go for morning or evening walks and exercise. Write a letter to the local commissioner of your municipality explaining the significance of public parks and request him to initiate building one in your locality.
Hints: Public fitness means Better society- High population, technological advancement- People losing spaces and being lazy- Nowhere to play and relax- Decreasing greenery- Public park can help
6/305/1, South Station Road,
Kolkata: 700110
December 11, 2020
The Commissioner
Panihati Municipality
Kolkata: 700110
Subject: A public park can contribute to people’s fitness
I am a resident of Sodepur south station road, ward no 22, under Panihati Municipality. Today, this letter to you is intended to express my concern over the issue of public fitness and want to talk about how a public park can contribute to boosting it.
Public fitness is a mandatory prerequisite for a better society. But during this era of increasing population and smartphone technologies, people are losing both adequate places and interest in outdoor activities. Children nowadays have hardly anywhere to play and even if people want to exercise or relax outside, they have hardly any place for it. Moreover, the greenery in our town is being reduced with time. These are some major concerns I want to address to achieve a better society.
All these concerns can be address through a single solution. A public park can help a lot in this regard. A properly planned public park with an adequate ratio of greenery and open spaces can both solve the issue of lack of spaces and reducing greenery. In this context, I want to request you to initiate planning a public park in our locality,
Yours Sincerely,
Subhrajit Ghosh
That was all about our presentation on writing editorial letters to the municipal commissioner asking for a public park in your area. I have tried to present a holistic overview of the topic throughout the session.
Hopefully, after going through this session, all your doubts regarding this topic has been resolved. If you still have any, post them in the comment section below; I will try to resolve the issue as soon as possible.
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