Short Essay on World Environment Day [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF 


In today’s session, you will learn how you can write short essays on World Environment Day. Here I am going to write three different sets of sample short essays on the topic within different word limits. 

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Short Essay on World Environment Day in 100 Words

World Environment Day is celebrated on 5th June every year to remind mankind of the utility of our natural environment. Our environment is the most precious gift from God. It includes natural elements like plants, animals, birds, other creatures, insects, and also human beings. This specific day reminds us of making our surroundings more sustainable.

World Environment Day is celebrated as a part of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), which constantly endeavours to take good care of our nature. Pollution, reckless deplantation, the rise of industrialization all have resulted in the degradation of nature. So this day is utilized to unite people under the same motto of caring for our precious environment.

Short Essay on World Environment Day in 200 Words

5th June of every year is utilized by people worldwide to celebrate World Environment Day as the mode to raise awareness against the degradation of the environment and also about the protection of nature. The environment is the life-supporting system of mankind.


It includes several living creatures in itself like the flora and the fauna. Even the water, air, soil, and vegetation of a certain region contribute to its environment. Hence World Environment Day is the initiative by UNEP or the United Nations Environment Program to provide information as well as awareness about the necessity of our environment. 

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World Environment Day was first initiated as a prospect in the UN General Assembly at the Stockholm Conference on Human Environment in 1972, where significant issues regarding the well-being of our environment were discussed and concerned. The first World Environment Day was celebrated in the USA with the motto Only One Earth.

All this dedicates itself to a better and a green future so that our atmosphere lives in peace. In fact, every World Environment Day is based on different mottos and slogans so as to make it contemporary. Presently pollution is the target of the 5th June celebrations. World Environment Day is a global platform to make the earth a sustainable place. 

Short Essay on World Environment Day in 400 Words

At present, the world is on the brink of tremendous destruction due to excessive pollution, destruction of plants and greenery, construction of high-rise buildings, which has resulted in nothing but an end to the ecosystem. The time has come to switch back to the lap of nature.

World Environment Day is one of the significant efforts and a step towards greenery. On the 5th of June of every year, World Environment Day is celebrated in about 143 countries around the globe to organize awareness towards the creation of a more sustainable and pollution-free environment. 

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World Environment Day was first proposed by the UN General Assembly at the Stockholm Conference on Human Environment in 1972, where issues regarding the creation of a safe and sound environment suitable for the living of all were discussed.

As per the protocols of UNEP or the United Nations Environment Program, the ways to provide a greener future for all are maintained throughout the year. World Environment Day began with the motto Only One Earth. Since then, on several occasions, the mottos of this special day is changed and adopted as per circumstances.

The entire arrangement of this day is organized to raise awareness about environmental pollution and the constant degeneration it is facing. This day is a significant reminder to us to be aware of the protocols of maintaining the environment. The environment here comprises principally the natural environment that includes plants, animals, birds, insects, other creatures, and also living beings.

All these beings co-exist in the environment and thus create a healthier environment. The cooperation between all elements of the environment is what the most expected of all. Hence World Environment Day is the pivotal support to this entire balance of an ecosystem that God has provided us. 

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Every year World Environment Day is celebrated under diverse themes to spread awareness over several issues that are contemporary. Also, slogans are chosen to emphasize the motto of this program. Not only bigger organizations under the UN, but even smaller groups, clubs, and teams through schools, colleges, and other educational institutions create the canopy of safety on this day.

The idea behind the observation of this day is to create a more beautiful and better world and make it crystal clear. Environment concerns not just our surroundings, but also the layers of atmosphere that embrace the Earth. So keeping a healthy environment is actually a way to live green and keep the atmosphere happy.

So, that was pretty enough information that you can put in while writing short essays on World Environment Day. I have written these essays above in very simple language that everybody can easily understand. Despite that, if you have issue issues regarding this session, kindly let me know through the comment section below. If you want me to cover any specific topic of English Writing Comprehension, mention that too. Keep browsing our website to read more about such sessions. 

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