Short Essay on the Use and Abuse of Leisure [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF
In this session today, you learn about writing short essays on the Use and Abuse of Leisure. This session will be divided into three sets of essays on the same topic covering different word limits.

Short Essay on the Use and Abuse of Leisure in 100 Words
A person needs to take a break every once in a while and enjoy some leisure time. Many people use their leisure time to pursue their hobbies like painting, gardening, dancing, playing musical instruments or creating something new. Many others like to take a walk in the park or go to fun places.
Some prefer just resting on their beds to relax their body and mind. Using leisure time to do things that one enjoys is amazing. However, many people abuse it by engaging in activities like drinking alcohol, doing drugs, gambling, or just gossiping about unnecessary things and idling away. This doesn’t do the person any good. One should always use their leisure time and not abuse it.
Short Essay on the Use and Abuse of Leisure in 200 Words
When we do the same work continuously for days, weeks and months, life becomes very monotonous and boring. As life becomes dull, we begin to lose our passion for work and even life itself. Hence, it is important to take a break every once in a while and enjoy some leisure time.
Different people like to spend their free time in different ways. Many people pursue their hobbies like painting, singing, dancing, baking, cooking, gardening or playing musical instruments. Many others like to take a walk in the park, go on drives or visit new places. Some people like to spend their free time catching up with their friends and family members.
There are yet others who prefer resting and giving their bodies the necessary relaxation. A lot of people use their leisure time to learn new things and develop new skills. However, some people abuse it as well. They engage in activities like gambling, betting, drinking alcohol and doing drugs. Even the people who spend their free time gossiping about unnecessary and negative things are only wasting their time.
Leisure time should be used to do things that relax our body and mind or are productive in other ways. We should not abuse it like that doesn’t do us any good.
Short Essay on the Use and Abuse of Leisure in 400 Words
When we sit in the same place, in the same office and do the same work continuously for days, weeks and months, life becomes very monotonous and boring. In such a setting, it is easy to lose interest in the work that we are doing and in life itself. Hence, it is important to take a break every once in a while and enjoy some leisure time.
Different people like to spend their free time in different ways. Many people pursue their hobbies like painting, singing, dancing, baking, cooking, gardening or playing musical instruments. Some watch news or documentaries to keep themselves updated. Many housewives use their free time to try new recipes or to do some sewing and knitting. Children usually like to go outside, play with their friends or watch funny and educational programmes.
Many people like to take a walk in the park, go on drives or visit new places. Some like to spend their free time catching up with their friends and family members. There are yet others who prefer resting and giving their bodies the necessary relaxation. A lot of people use their leisure time to learn new things and develop new skills. Many love to spend their free time selflessly helping the people in need and doing charity work like feeding stray animals and giving free education to children living in slums. However, some people abuse it as well.
Those who spend their free time gossiping about other people and unnecessary things, simply waste their time. People who idle away, spend hours watching television shows that promote fights and negativity or engage in troublesome behaviour are also doing themselves more harm than good.
Many people waste their leisure time drinking alcohol, smoking, doing drugs, gambling and betting. This only harms them in the long run. Many people do not rest during their free time and instead continue working, trying to make more and more money. One can easily get exhausted and damage their health if one does not allow themselves to rest properly.
Everyone needs a break in their daily life. This break should be used to relax our bodies and minds. Spending time doing things we like and things that make us happy can help us feel refreshed and recharged. However, whether we use our leisure time positively or negatively is dependent on us. We should always do something relaxing and productive during our free time.
I have tried to write these short essays in a very simple language so that all kinds of students can understand. If you still have any questions regarding this session, kindly let me know through the comment section below. To read more such essays, keep browsing our website.
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