Short Essay on My Favourite Fruit (Mango) [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF 


This lesson will focus on writing short essays on the topic- ‘My Favourite Fruit (Mango).’ I will write three short essays on this topic covering different word limits. 

Table of Contents

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Short Essay on My Favourite Fruit (Mango) in 100 Words

I love fruits. They are healthy and delicious. I eat a lot of fruits like banana, papaya, guava, berries and grapes but my favourite fruit is mango. Mango is the king of all fruits. Mangoes come in many varieties like Alphonso, Himsagar, Chausa and Dasheri. Mangoes can be eaten both when they are raw as well as when they are ripe.

Raw mangoes are sour and are eaten with salt and red chilli powder. They are also used to make pickles. Ripe mangoes are usually yellow in colour and have a big seed inside. The fresh is pulpy and juicy. Mangoes taste very sweet and can be eaten as they are after peeling them. They can also be made into jams, jellies and sauces.

Short Essay on My Favourite Fruit (Mango) in 200 Words

Fruits are healthy and delicious. They are nature’s gift to us. I love eating fruits. Some of the fruits I like are banana, guava, papaya, strawberry, blueberry and pineapple. But my favourite fruit in the world is mango. Mango is known as the king of all fruits. There are many different varieties of mangoes.

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Some of them are Alphonso, Kesar, Badami, Dasheri, Kishan Bhog, Mallika, Himsagar, Amrapali, Totapuri and Langra. Mangoes can be eaten both in raw as well as ripe states. Raw mangoes are sour and are usually enjoyed with salt and red chilli powder. They are also used to make pickles. Ripe mangoes are generally yellow in colour but they can also be green, orange or red. They have a large seed inside. 

Ripe mangoes can be eaten after peeling them. They are pulpy and juicy. Different varieties have slightly different tastes but they are all sweet. Ripe mangoes are also used to make mango jams and jellies. People use ripe mangoes to make ice creams, custards and various other types of desserts.

I have a huge mango tree in my backyard. During the summer season, the tree gets covered in mango blossoms and then mangoes. We pluck fresh mangoes from the tree and eat them. They are very sweet and delicious. When they are still raw, my mother uses them in cooking and adds them to various savoury dishes.

Short Essay on My Favourite Fruit (Mango) Example

Short Essay on My Favourite Fruit (Mango) in 400 Words

Fruits are nature’s gift to us. They are healthy and delicious. I love to eat fruits. Some fruits I like are banana, guava, papaya, apple, orange, strawberry, cherry, blueberry and pineapple. But out of all the fruits in the world, the one I love the most is mango which is also known as the king of all fruits. It is our national fruit. Mangoes are delicious. They come in hundreds of different varieties such as Alphonso, Kesar, Badami, Dasheri, Kishan Bhog, Mallika, Himsagar, Amrapali, Totapuri and Langra. Out of these, I like Langra mangoes the most because they grow in my village and I grew up eating them. 

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Mangoes can be eaten both in raw and ripe states. Raw mangoes are sour and are usually enjoyed with salt and red chilli powder. They are also used to make different types of pickles. My grandmother makes savoury ones as well as sweet ones. Ripe mangoes are usually yellow in colour but they can also be green, orange or red. They have a large seed inside.

All varieties of mangoes have their own unique scents. They also have slightly different tastes. Ripe mangoes can be eaten after peeling them. They are very pulpy and juicy. Mangoes taste very sweet. They are often used to make mango jams and jellies. People also use mangoes to make mango ice cream, custards, tarts and various other types of desserts. 

Mangoes have a lot of fibre content and are good for our health. They are rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants as well. Eating mangoes helps with digestion, boosts immunity and supports heart health. Mangoes are seasonal fruit. Mango trees produce blooms at the end of the spring season and fruits develop in the summer season. We have a few mango trees in our backyard.

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The trees get covered in white-coloured flowers as spring fades into summer. After some time, the blooms change into small, green mangoes. These then get larger, ripen and turn yellow in colour. In the summer season, I play with my neighbourhood friends in our backyard. We pluck fresh mangoes from the tree and eat them. 

When our mangoes are still raw, my mother uses them in cooking and adds them to various savoury dishes like daal and chutney. She also makes sweet and sour pickles using mangoes. The pickles are my father’s favourite. My father says that when he was young, he used to climb the mango trees in his village, pluck raw mangoes and eat them while sitting on the tree.

I have written these essays in pretty simple language for a better understanding of all kinds of students. If you still have any confusion regarding the context, let me know through the comment section below. Keep browsing this website for more valuable sessions.

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