Short Essay on Kindness to Animals [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF
In this lesson today, you will learn how to write short essays on the topic of Kindness to Animals. In this lesson, I am going to adapt a simplistic approach to writing these essays that all kinds of students can easily understand.

Short essay on Kindness to Animals in 100 Words
All the living creatures on this planet have the right to live freely in nature. Today, however, many animals all over the world are suffering because of human cruelty. People don’t just kill animals for their meat but also their skins, tusks, horns, teeth, feathers and fur. Many animals are kept captive, tortured and made to perform in front of crowds of people.
Innocent lab animals are used all over the world to test newly developed chemical formulations. We should be kind to animals and all living creatures. We should never harm animals. Instead, we should feed them and take care of them whenever we can. After all, having compassion for others is what truly makes us human.
Short essay on Kindness to Animals in 200 Words
For thousands of years, human beings have hunted animals not just for food, but also for sports and fun. Many animals like elephants and horned rhinoceros have been killed for centuries for their tusks and horns. Animals like lions, tigers, monkeys and even dolphins are kept captive, tortured and made to perform in front of crowds of people.
The livestock animals kept in farms for their milk and meat live in such terrible conditions, unable to move freely. And of course, we can not forget the lab animals. Rabbits, guinea pigs, rats and mice are used all over the world to test new chemical formulas developed for humans.
In our day to day life, we all have come across people throwing stones at street dogs or kicking them. Many people don’t even think twice before running their cars over street animals. We must ask ourselves if the innocent animals deserve our cruelty.
They don’t bother us and just want to live peacefully. We should become more kind and compassionate towards animals and all other living beings. We shouldn’t harm animals or let others harm them. We should feed and take care of helpless animals. After all, having compassion for others is what truly makes us human.
Short essay on Kindness to Animals in 400 Words
All living beings on this planet were created and given life by the same divine force. All of us, whether it is human beings, plants or animals, have the right to live and be free. In the olden days, most kings and emperors spent their free time going on hunts to kill animals like deer, tigers, lions and elephants. The hunted animals were not eaten but just served as a trophy for the king.
Many big animals like elephants and horned rhinoceros are still killed for their tusks, horns and skins. Marine animals like sharks and whales are also killed to be served as delicacies in several high-end restaurants. Over the years, the population of these animals has greatly decreased and many exotic species are on the verge of becoming extinct.
We don’t have to go far to see animals suffering because of human cruelty. It is not hard to notice how mistreated the street dogs are. People throw stones at them, kick them and some even run their cars over them. Many animals are kept captive and made to perform in circuses. The livestock animals kept in farms for their milk and meat live in such terrible conditions, unable to move freely.
Their babies are taken away from them and killed as the people running the farms don’t see any value in keeping them alive. Horses and bullocks kept for pulling carts and ploughs are often not fed properly and made to work until they collapse. If we take a look at the cosmetic industry, so many high-end brands test their products on innocent animals. Rabbits, guinea pigs, rats and mice are all used to test new chemical formulas developed for beauty products. This greatly harms them.
Animals have every right to live freely in nature. Just because they cannot defend themselves, does not mean that we should keep torturing them for our gain. Kindness to animals and all other living creatures is a virtue. We should not harm animals and we should stop others from harming them as well. Many animals have lost their habitat and food sources because of deforestation and infrastructure developments done by human beings.
We should feed and take care of such animals instead of viewing them as a nuisance. Governments all over the world have taken various steps to stop illegal hunting and many organisations are trying their best to make life less cruel for farm and lab animals. But they can only do so much. It is on each one of us to become more compassionate and kind towards animals so that all living beings can live freely on this planet.
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