Short Essay on Importance of Teamwork [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF 


In this session, you will learn to write short essays on the Importance of Teamwork. Here I will write three sets of short essays on the importance of teamwork covering different word limits. 

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Short Essay on Importance of Teamwork in 100 Words

Teamwork is when a team or a group of people work together towards a common goal. Teamwork makes a task simpler and easier. Teamwork is needed among students working on an assignment together, players playing for a particular sports team as well as employees of any organisation working together to fulfil a task.

When a group of people work together, if everyone wants to do the task his way rather than listening to each other, the task will never be finished. That is why teamwork is important. When people listen to each other’s opinions, help each other and put their common goal before personal gain, they have great teamwork. Teamwork helps us achieve goals that can not be achieved alone. 

Short Essay on Importance of Teamwork in 200 Words

Teamwork is the combined action taken by a group of people to achieve a common goal. We cannot always work alone. Sometimes, to fulfil a larger goal, many people need to come together and take combined action.

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In school, students work as a team to finish group projects. In sports, members of a team must work together if they want to win. In corporations, if every employee is only focused on his personal goals, the corporation wouldn’t be able to function. When a group of people work together, if everyone wants to do the task his way rather than listening to each other and choosing the best way, the task will never be finished. That is why teamwork is important. 

When people work as a team, they communicate with each other. They are free to express their views and opinions and others listen to them. Everyone has a duty assigned to them which they so diligently. It is their responsibility to make sure they are doing their part well or else the entire team will stop functioning well.

When a team has a good leader who is capable of encouraging, motivating, guiding and helping others in the team, teamwork becomes much easier. With good teamwork, a huge task may be finished in no time. Teamwork helps us achieve big goals which cannot be achieved individually.

Short Essay on Importance of Teamwork in 400 Words

Not all tasks can be done by a single person. Sometimes, to fulfil a larger goal, many people need to come together and take combined action. In school, students need to work together with their classmates to finish a group project. In sports, be it cricket, football or hockey, all the members of a certain team must work together and support each other in order to win a match.

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No organisation can function without teamwork. If every employee is only focused on his personal goals and gains, the corporation wouldn’t be able to finish any of its projects. At home, if family members don’t understand and help each other, it will cause unnecessary issues and create tension.

We can see examples of teamwork even in the wild. Many animals display teamwork by hunting together as a group. While some members of the group distract the prey, others surround it, jump on it and kill it. Many wild animals also stay together to protect themselves and each other from danger as well as to raise their young. 

When we look at large organisations, all the work there is divided and given to different departments. Even in those departments, hundreds of people do different work which is assigned to them by the head. Only when everyone is doing their work well, a department can finish the work assigned to them and in turn, the organisation can flourish. If any one department stops functioning, all other departments have to stop and wait as well.

It is not quite easy to keep working hard, matching the pace of everyone else. One can often get demotivated and slow down. That is why a good leader is very important in every team. A good leader is one who is capable of encouraging, motivating, guiding and helping others in the team. He makes working as a team easier. 

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It is very important for children to learn teamwork as it will help them throughout their lives. Teamwork also teaches about discipline and responsibility. When people work as a team, they communicate with each other about their problems. They are allowed to freely express their views and opinions and the other members listen to them.

Everyone has a duty assigned to them which they do very diligently. It is their responsibility to make sure they are doing their part well so that the team can keep functioning smoothly. With good teamwork, a huge task may be finished in no time. Teamwork helps us grow in every field of life and is the key to our success. 

In this lesson, I have adopted a simplistic approach for a better understanding of all kinds of students. If anyone has any doubts regarding this topic, they can post them in the comment section below. I will try my level best to clarify those doubts. 

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