Short Essay on Dolphin [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF


Dolphin is one of the most popular aquatic animals in the world. For being so popular, essays on Dolphins are quite common in various exams all around the country. In this session, you will learn to write short essays on Dolphin.

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Short Essay on Dolphin in 100 Words

Dolphins are one of the most intelligent aquatic animals. Even though they live in water, they are not fish. They breathe through a blowhole on the top of their head and do not have gills, unlike fishes. They also give birth to their young ones and feed them milk. Thus, they are classified as marine mammals.

Dolphins are social animals and live as well as hunt in groups. They are carnivorous and eat fishes, squids and other small aquatic creatures. They are very playful and can be trained easily. Dolphins have a varied life span depending on their species. While some species live for 20 years, others can live for 80 years and more. 

Short Essay on Dolphin in 200 Words 

Dolphins are aquatic mammals belonging to the Infraorder Cetacea. They are highly intelligent creatures who can learn individually and pass on new information to others. They are capable of complex problem solving and social interaction. Although dolphins live in water, they are not fish. They breathe through a blowhole on the top of their head, give birth to their young ones, feed them milk and have body hair. Thus, they are classified as marine mammals. 

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There are over 40 species of dolphins. Some of the most well-known ones include orca, Amazon river dolphins, bottlenose dolphins and South Asian river dolphins. While some species grow up to 5 feet, others can be as large as 30 feet. Their life span also varies depending on their species. Some live up to 20 years while others can live for 80 years. 

Dolphins are social animals and live as well as hunt in groups. They are carnivorous and eat fishes, squids and other small animals. They use sonar to find prey, surround and trap them and then take turns to swim to the centre to feed. 

Dolphins are very playful, great at teamwork and can be trained easily. They are friendly sea creatures who have often helped people in dangerous situations at sea. Hence, they are loved and adored by many. 

Short Essay on Dolphin in 400 Words 

Dolphins are intelligent aquatic mammals belonging to the Infraorder Cetacea and parvorder Odontoceti. They are capable of complex problem solving and can learn individually as well as pass on new information to others. They are social animals and live as well as hunt in groups. They communicate using a vast array of sounds and non-verbal gestures. A dolphin’s whistle can be heard from as far as 2 km. 

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Although dolphins live in water, they do not have gills. They breathe through a blowhole on the top of their head. The females of the species give birth to their young ones and feed them milk. The baby dolphins or ‘calves’ live under the care of their mothers for 3 to 6 years before becoming fully independent. The calves drink a thick paste-like ‘milk’ that comes out of the mother dolphin’s nipples until they are old enough to catch fish. 

Dolphins are carnivorous animals and eat fishes, squids, and other small animals. They use echolocation to find prey, surround and trap them and then take turns to swim to the centre to feed. There are over 40 species of dolphins. Some of the most well-known ones include orca, Amazon river dolphins, bottlenose dolphins, and South Asian river dolphins. While some species grow up to 5 feet, others can be as large as 30 feet. Their life span also varies depending on their species. Some live up to 20 years while others can live for 80 years. 

Dolphins are very playful and can be trained easily. They are friendly sea creatures who have often helped people in dangerous situations at sea. They are known to protect people from shark attacks and help those who are injured or drowning by bringing them to safer areas. Dolphins are known to care for the sick and injured of their kind as well. However, dolphins can get aggressive and male dolphins do get into aggressive fights with each other over females. 

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As one of the most intelligent creatures, dolphins are known to learn, teach, cooperate, plan and grieve. Mother dolphins often teach their calves how to use sponges to protect their snouts while hunting. This is a learned behaviour that was first developed by a female dolphin. They also sleep with only one brain hemisphere at a time, the other hemisphere being awake to breathe and watch out for dangers. 

Dolphins are some of the most adorable aquatic creatures who are known to form lasting friendships with people. They are loved and adored by many. 

So, I suppose, that was enough for writing an essay on Dolphins in your exams. In this session, I have discussed the context in simple language, exclusively for students from lower grades. So, choose your set as per your requirement. You can now download the entire session and store it as pdf for future reference. If you still have any doubts regarding this session, let me know through the comment section below.

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