Short Essay on Bad Effects of Watching Television [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF


Everything in this world has both good and bad side effects. Watching television is not an exception too in this context. In the session today, I will discuss how to write short essays on those bad effects of watching television. 

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Short Essay on Bad Effects of Watching Television in 100 Words

We all love to watch television. Adults like to watch news, sports, movies and dramas, while children love watching cartoons. But watching too much television has many bad effects. Watching television for too long can put pressure on the eyes and cause eyesight problems. People who watch television for long hours have a tendency to overeat and can easily become obese. This can in turn lead to several health issues like diabetes and heart diseases.

Most of the content shown on television is for entertainment and does not add any value to our lives. They also show violence, criminal activities and mature content which can harm children if they are exposed to such things. Watching too much television can also kill creativity and imagination, cause a lack of focus and promote negative behaviour in children. 

Short Essay on Bad Effects of Watching Television in 200 Words

Watching television is a favourite pastime of many people. Some adults like watching the news and sports while others like watching movies and dramas. Children, on the other hand, are most interested in superhero shows and cartoons. Although watching television is fun, sitting in front of the television for long hours is not a healthy habit and can cause a lot of issues.

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Watching television continuously for several hours can strain our eyes and lead to eyesight problems. It is also linked to obesity as it is observed that people who watch too much television have a tendency to overeat. This can cause health issues like diabetes and heart diseases in the long run.

Most of the shows on television are for entertainment and do not add any value to our lives. Instead of spending hours watching such shows, we can use that time to learn new skills, exercise, read books or catch up with our family and friends. Many programs also show violence, criminal activities and mature content which can harm children if they watch it. 

Watching too much television kills creativity and imagination as well as alters brain development in children. It can also cause a lack of focus and lead to poor work performance. 

We should not watch television for long hours and should stay away from negative, violent and graphic content. Parents should also monitor the content that kids consume. Television is for entertainment, we should not let it negatively impact our health and well-being. 

Short Essay on Bad Effects of Watching Television in 400 Words

Television has become an important part of our daily lives. Be it, children or adults, everyone likes to watch television. Some people watch news and sports while others watch movies and dramas. Superhero shows and cartoons are what most children love to watch. Watching television is not necessarily bad, but today, many people spend several hours a day in front of their television screens. This is not a healthy habit. Watching too much television has many bad effects. 

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Most dramas and shows on television are for entertainment and do not add any value to our lives. We spend hours watching such shows and waste our precious time which we could have used to learn something new, read books or catch up with family and friends.

Manny of those contents also contains acts of violence, illegal activities, use of alcohol, drugs and other addictive substances. Exposure to such content is not good for children who are very gullible and can be easily misled. Many shows feed us false information and are harmful not just for children but also adults as they distort our sense of reality. 

People who spend a lot of time watching television, live passively. Watching too much television kills creativity and imagination as our mind is unable to come up with new and unique ideas. It can also cause a lack of focus in children as well as adults and thus, lead to poor work performance. Watching too much television also puts pressure on our eyes and causes fatigue.

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The continued strain on the eyes and eye muscles can damage them and cause eyesight problems. Watching television has been linked to obesity and it is observed that people who watch television for long hours have a tendency to overeat. Without physical activity and exercise, it can quickly lead to health issues like diabetes and heart diseases. 

Research has shown that too much television can alter brain development in children and promote aggression and violence. It can also make young people feel inadequate by showing fake picture-perfect realities and cause self-image related issues.

Watching television is additive and not knowing when to stop can negatively impact our lives. We should not watch television for long hours and should stay away from negative, violent and graphic content. Parents should set a time when the children are allowed to watch television and always monitor what content they are consuming. Television is meant for entertainment and we should not sacrifice our health and well-being because of it. 

That was all about writing essays on the bad effects of Television. If you still have any doubts in this context even after going through this session, post them in the comment section below. To get the latest updates on our upcoming session, don’t forget to join us on Telegram.

Thank you. See you again, soon. 
