Notice Writing Format, Type, Writing Tips, Examples [PDF]
Notice writing is an integral part of English writing comprehension as well as almost every board’s English syllabus. Because of this reason, notice writing can be found to be a very common writing comprehension test in thousands of schools’ question papers. But due to some unknown reason, many students find it quite difficult to write a proper flawless notice and often choose to skip it. Even during the last year, we got many such comments where students have expressed their inability to understand notice writing.
After analyzing those comments we have come to a conclusion that there are some serious flaws in the overall approach to understanding notice writing. We often try to understand writing comprehension directly with exemplary models. But I must say, this shouldn’t be an approach. Look, to understand anything, especially writing comprehension, we need a strong foundation laid by the definitions, classifications, and other basic elements that are required to write that comprehension. That is exactly what many students are lacking most of the time.
My dear students, I would like to tell you that you can easily score good marks in notice writings by simply following a prescribed format. In fact, notices are one of the easiest writing comprehension skills if you understand them properly. That’s why, today we have decided to come up with a comprehensive guide that will help you to understand all the required elements you need to know to write a proper notice. Previously we have conducted a session focused on the comprehensive guide of report writing. Don’t forget to check out that session too. Now let’s start with this session.

What is Notice Writing?
As the title suggests, notices are a way to notify people regarding something. It may be about some event or some information that people should be aware of. According to many experts, notice writing is nothing but a formal document for communication with a specific audience.
Importance of Notice Writing
Unlike letters or essay writings, notice writing has an enormous value in real life. In fact, notices are one of the integral parts of our social life. We go through some kinds of notices almost everyday. Here you might be wondering how. All kinds of formally organized statements that notify you about information of some event on behalf of some authority, is a notice. So, I hope you are quite understanding the applicational value of notices.
Now, someone has to write all those notices, right? After going to your workplace, that ‘someone’ might be you. In fact, according to a survey, 75% of working people have to write notices more than three times irrespective of the sector they are working in. So, there’s as high as 75% chance that you also have to write a notice at least once for some real-life application.
Due to this enormous importance, almost all school boards around the world include notice writing within their writing comprehension syllabus. So for now, if you are not so bothered about the applicational value, still you have to learn to notice writing properly if you want to score well on your exam.
Keep in Mind
There are a few things that you have to keep in mind before you start learning to notice writing.
The very first thing is you have to write the notice for the audience you are addressing and the issue you are addressing about. Your notice is not an essay. So, maintaining a proper word limit and keeping your notice short will make your write up more efficient and effective. Always remember, you have to summarize all the information within limited words along with maintaining a simple approach.
So, a simple rule of notice writing is: Only write necessary information without any descriptive words.
As you are writing for a mass audience, you must keep the overall writing approach simple yet very formal. Along with this, all kinds of notices must be written in proper formats.
Types of Notice Writing
Just like report writing, notices can also be classified into a few types. Slightly different approaches should be maintained to write each type of notice to serve the targeted purpose properly. That’s why before learning to write notices it is very important to learn about the type of notices.
There are mainly 4 kinds of notices generally written in our day-to-day life. These are Public notice, Constructive notice, Actual Notice, and Implied notice. Among these four types of notices only Public notice and Implied notice come under most of the boards’ syllabus. But nowadays, some boards are including Actual notice in their syllabus. So, let’s discuss the types of notices briefly one by one.
Public Notice
Public notice is the most common type of notice written in our day-to-day life. Basically, if any organization or authority issues a notice for all the people of society, it is known as a public notice. This type of notice is a mere way of letting people know about some events, some rules and regulations, or asking public opinion etc. We often see this type of notices on the internet, in newspapers, and in other public media. For example, if the sports club of your locality issues a notice for the annual sports competition in a newspaper, it will be considered as a public notice.
Actual Notice
Actual notice is generally written as a legal mode of communication with a person or organisation. It is a method of letting a person or organisation know about some specific guidelines, procedures to follow or maybe instructions to obey that are bound by law. Actual notice is generally used in civil judicial procedures or maybe in one-to-one communication. Suppose, a person deserves an honour or award from an organisation or maybe the government. In this situation, the government will issue an actual notice to notify that person about it. This is why actual notice has less real-life value compared to the other type of notices.
Implied Notice
Implied notices are simply that type of notice in which people are called for real-time action. This type of notices is not written directly to a person or a group or an organisation. Rather implied notices are applicable for everybody who is witnessing the notice except the issuing authority. Little confused? Look, the notices you often see on the roads like ‘NO ENTRY’, ‘Trespassers Will Be Prosecuted’, etc not written for any specific individual. These are examples of Implied notice.
Constructive Notice
A person has constructive notice of all facts of which he would have acquired actual notice had he made those enquiries which he ought reasonably to have made. Confused again? No worry. Though it’s not important from your exam perspective still I’m giving an example to understand constructive notice more easily.
Suppose you live in a house and pay rent for it. One day you suddenly notice that there are some major flaws in the plumbing system of the property. In that situation, you issue a notice to the owner of the house explaining your problem, asking for the reason for this problem, and asking for a solution. This type of notices will be considered a constructive notice.
Format of Notice Writing
Before directly jumping into the format, let’s closely understand the required elements for notice writing. The following elements are necessary to write a proper notice from the beginning to the end irrespective of the type of notice.
1. All kinds of notices primarily begin with the name of the authority/organisation that is issuing the notice. The name of the issuing authority provides the notice with the required authenticity. So, irrespective of the type, it’s one of the most important parts of notice writing.
2. Again for all kinds of notices it is quite mandatory to mention the word ‘NOTICE’ in block letters at the very centre of the line. This mention helps the rest of the document to attract the required public attention. As the main body of the notice is supposed to be very brief, it’s mandatory to categorize the document as a notice at the very beginning of it.
3. Now the date of issuing the notice must be mentioned on the left side of the document. This date is mandatory for all kinds of notices except implied notice. As the significance of Implied Notice does not depend anyway on a date, it’s okay to not mention it.
4. Now comes the heading of the notice. So, you should always use an appropriate heading for the notice you’re writing. Now you might be confused about ‘Appropriate heading’. Look, an appropriate heading should be very short and crisp despite explaining the primary motive for writing the notice.
Like if you are writing a notice for an inter-school debate competition organised by your school on the occasion of Republic Day, the appropriate heading will be ‘Inter-school debate competition on Republic Day.’
5. Now comes the most important part of notice that is the body. A body of notice consists of four different elements. These are (1) the reason for writing the notice, (2) Relevant events and occasional information, (3) Information about the date, time and venue, (4) All additional information if required. The sentences of the body should be in passive voice and very short yet simple. All necessary information should be piled up within a limited word limit.
6. After finishing the body you have come to the ending part of the report. At the end of any notice, there should be the signature, name and designation of the issuing authority promptly mentioned.
The Body of a Notice
As mentioned earlier, the body is the most important part of any notice. According to the comments we got, most of the students often get confused about what they should write in a notice’s body. That’s why this separate discussion on it became a priority.
An ideal notice body should contain answers to five straight questions(if applicable) that would come to the readers’ minds just after getting the main subject of the notice. This formula is known as the 5W principle of notice writing.
#1 What is going to happen. Or exactly for what the notice has been issued. This is the very first query that would come to the readers’ minds. That’s why you should answer it first in your notice body.
#2 Where is the venue. If a venue is applicable for your notice, then you should mention it as early as possible in the body.
#3 When it is going to take place. If you are writing a notice for any program or ceremony then it’s mandatory to mention the time and date of the program. Otherwise, that notice would not be considered as a complete notifying document.
#4 Who is eligible. No matter what type of notice you’re writing, if you are calling your audience for any kind of action you must mention who is eligible or who is not eligible.
#5 Whom to contact. All types of notice should mention whom should a person contact for any further information regarding the context. It’s usually mentioned at the ending of the body.
For your further help, I am summarising the format for better understanding.
Name of the Organisation
Date: xx.xx.xxxx
Heading/ Subject
Body of the notice
- The reason for writing the notice
- Relevant events and occasional information
- Information about the date, time and venue
- All additional information if required
Signature of the Authority
Dos and Don’ts
There are certain points that help to add value to your notice and some points that need to be avoided while writing a notice.
- Always write your notice inside a box. It gives your notice a more professional look and helps you to score well.
- Always write the notice in passive voice.
- Keep the sentences short and simple.
- Always maintain a formal tone throughout the entire notice.
- Follow the format strictly.
- Always make your heading as catchy as possible.
- Always follow the 5W principle.
- Be as brief as possible with your notice. Try to fit all the information within the word limit. Always remember, your job is just to notify, not to explain.
- Always avoid using repetitive words. The info you once mentioned, do not mention that further. If you are running out of words, conclude it.
- Don’t use personal pronouns in your notice. (Ex: I, Me, You, etc.)
- Always avoid putting any extra information in the notice.
For a holistic understanding, I am going to write two different types of notice as examples. Hopefully, after reading them properly, you will clearly understand the entire concept of notice writing.
Your housing society is going to organise a blood donation camp by next month. As the secretary of the committee draft a notice informing all residents of the housing complex about this event within not more than 50 words.
Seth Dharmalal Housing Society
26th September 2021
Blood Donation Camp Organised
Everybody is being hereby informed that a blood donation camp is organized by our community on October 2, 2021, in the association’s front garden. Therefore, all residents are requested to take part in this noble initiative of saving lives. For further details, please contact the signatories below.
Amalendu Ghosh
You are Scout Master/Guide Captain of Sodepur High School, Kolkata. You have decided to send a troop of scouts and guides of your school to the jamboree to be held at Patna for a week. Draft a notice in not more than 50 words to be placed on the school notice board inviting the names of those scouts and guides who are interested to participate in the jamboree. Invent the necessary details.
Sodepur High School
14th November 2021
Participation Needed For Jamboree
Our school has decided to send a troop of scouts and guides to the jamboree to be held at Patna from the 15th to the 22nd of December. Those scouts and guides interested to participate in the jamboree may enlist their names to the undersigned by the 5th of December.
Swarthak Ray
Guide Captain
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Even though going through an entire session, students tend to seek some straight answers to a few common questions related to Notice Writing here. Below, I am trying to answer some of those commonly asked questions.
How do I start Notice Writing?
You should start writing a notice only after you’re fully equipped with all the necessary minute details to frame the notice. After evaluating all the information you can now start with mentioning the name of the organization and then an appropriate heading for the notice. Keep your information limited, keep your notice short and crisp.
How can I get full marks in Notice writing?
To score full marks in notice writing you just need to follow the proper procedure and maintain the chronology of necessary details properly. And never exceed the suggested word limit in your notice. Always mention the contact details of the authority who can be contacted for further details.
Which tense is used in Notice writing?
In notice writing, present tense is used. And you should always write the sentences in a passive voice.
That was all about our session on notice writing. It was one of the most comprehensive sessions we have ever conducted on any kind of English writing comprehension. In today’s session, we have discussed the definition, type, format, and basic elements of notice writing. If you have gone through this session thoroughly, hopefully now you have a holistic overview of the context. Now go through our other sessions on notice writing examples on various topics and try writing one yourself. Remember, self-evaluation is the ultimate key to scoring better in exams. We have previously conducted such a comprehensive session on report writing too. Don’t forget to check that out on our website.
If you still face any issues while writing or have any further doubts, let me know that through some quick comments. I will try to resolve your query as soon as possible. And please join our Telegram channel to get the latest updates on the upcoming sessions.
Best of luck with your upcoming exam. Thanks for being with us.