Write a Letter to Your Ailing Mother Inquiring about Her Health [With PDF]
In this session, you are going to learn how to write a letter to your ailing mother inquiring about her health.
Let’s get started!

Example 1
Question: You live in a hostel and you have received a letter from your house about your mother who is sick. Write a letter to your mother inquiring about her health and how anxious you are about her health.
Hints: Describe your worry- When you can see her- Some ways to recover soon- Your prayers for her health
32 Ballygunge Road
Kolkata 700042
Feb 16, 2022
My dear mother,
The news of your health really made me upset and worried. I wish I could see you right away.
My vacation will start within two weeks and I will quickly come back from the hostel to see you. I hope with all the medicines prescribed to you by our house physician you will recover quite soon. I heard that your fever is slowly fading away. Along with taking the medicine please have nutritious food and go for morning walks as it will help your health a lot. Also, make sure to have plenty of fruits and water throughout the day.
I am praying for your speedy recovery mom. I cannot wait to see you in person. Please take care of yourself.
Yours affectionately,
Example 2
Question: Your mother has been sent to the hospital for severe stomach pain. You are very worried about her health. Write a letter to your mother asking her about her current state of health and your concerns for her.
Hints: Your anxiety for your mother- When she will be released- Special things you want to do after her comeback
54 Bandra Road,
Mumbai 230532
Feb 16, 2022
My dear Mother,
I hope you are feeling a little bit later today. I feel very sad whenever I have to come back from the hospital after seeing you. I do not feel like leaving you at all.
Today I heard from dad’s and the doctor’s conversation that you have recovered a lot. Your stomach pain has reduced to quite a lot. You will be released from the hospital very soon. But please keep listening to the doctor’s advice and eat what he says. I will send your favourite book to the hospital so that you do not get bored.
I have made a welcome back card for you too. Come back and get well soon. My prayers are always with you mom.
Yours lovingly,
Example 3
Question: Your mother has fallen down the stairs and has hurt herself. You are very upset to hear the news. Write a letter to your mother asking her how she is doing and your concerns for her health.
Hints: Description of your mother’s injury- Doctor’s advice- Your prayers
23 Gulmohar Kunj,
Kerala 682001,
Feb 21, 2022
My dear Mother,
How are you now? I was very worried to hear about your health mom. You could have been a little more careful. Fortunately, the accident was mild.
My heart skipped a bit when I heard that you fell down the stairs and hurt yourself quite badly. I have told you many times how worried I am about your health. However, the doctor has assured me that the pain will decrease within a few days. But you have to follow the strict diet and rules given by the doctor. Also, he has mentioned some exercises which will reduce your leg pain.
I hope with all these guidelines you will recover very quickly. Please take care of yourself and get well soon.
Yours affectionately,
Example 4
Question: Your mother has gone to visit your grandparents in Shimla. She has fallen sick due to the cold weather. Write a letter to your mother enquiring about her health and express your concerns for her.
Hints: Description of your mother’s illness- Grandparents’ care- Your anxiety- Your prayers and wishes.
24 College Street,
Kolkata 700056,
Feb 22, 2022.
Dear Mother,
I received the letter from grandfather about your ailing health. You have made me very anxious. I wish I could be there to see you in person.
I am certain that the sudden weather change caused you such a high fever and cough and cold. You have to extend your stay at grandparents’ place till you recover completely. With grandma’s care, you will get well soon. Please take the medicines on time and on the prescribed diet. Also, do not go out in this cold weather. Take complete rest and you will be fine quickly.
I cannot wait to see you. I am always praying for your good health mom. Take care.
Yours affectionately,
Here we saw a few examples of letters where students are enquiring about their ailing mother’s health. We have tried to cover every aspect of how to write such letters. Hope you enjoyed this session. Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below. Your opinion matters the most to us.
Thank you; see you again very soon.