Notice Writing on Opening a Library [PDF Available]


This notice writing is on opening a library by a club of your school.

Notice Writing on opening a Library

Example Notice 1

Delhi High School


Opening of a Library

September 10, 2019

All the students are hereby informed that our school will establish a library for all kinds of book lovers. Our school has ample space and an opportunity to open a standard library.


We have already obtained financial aid from the Ministry of Human Resources Development, But it is not enough to decorate the library with all kinds of books.

Now the opening ceremony will take place in our club on July 5th. You are all requested to be there and donate as much as possible to the Library Fund, which will be used later on to purchase new books. We earnestly request your active cooperation.


Sunita Roy

Example Notice 2

Lucknow High School


Opening of a Library

10 July 2019

This is to inform each member of our club that an open library will start working in our club on the fifteenth of this month. Thus all respected individuals are coordinated to give a book to enhance the library. For donors, a specific scale for membership fees will be waived.

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Additionally, it should be noted that poor students will have free access to the library. The start job will be held at 10 AM on 15 July 2019. Hence, all individuals are required to be present on that day, and the movement is interested in the program.

Head boy,

Adarsh Matthew

Example Notice 3

Kanpur High School


Opening of a Library

24 August 2019

Members of the club are informed that the club has decided to open a library on the 20th of next month and starting from it. Since the club has decided not to invest any initial amount in purchasing the book, all members are invited to actively join the program by donating the books to the library. Bearing in mind that it is a noble act, sincere cooperation from all members is expected to make the decision a success. For more information, one can contact the two sites below.


Blake Nyguen

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Example Notice 4

Chandigarh High School


Opening of a Library

14 January 2019

All members of our club are hereby informed that our club has undertaken programs to open a library at the club’s headquarters. Members are requested to join this program by donating books to the library. Both storybooks and textbooks are accepted.

Members may donate new and old, good-quality, unused books in their homes. Expect at least five books from each of our 100+ members—the undersigned hope for cooperation from every member. Books can be deposited any day in the club building from 6:00 pm until 9 pm in a month. 



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