Notice Writing on Debate Competition [4 Examples] With PDF


In this lesson today, you will learn to write notices on Debate competitions. Here I will write four sets of sample notices on this topic for a holistic understanding of all kinds of students. So, let’s start. 

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Example 1

Lyceum Public School, Howrah



4 April 2022


All the students of our school are hereby notified that our school is going to organize an inter-class debate competition for the students of classes 9 and 10 as well as 11 and 12 on the 12th of April. The topics for the debate competition are as follows:

For classes 9 and 10:

  1. Books are better than television.
  2. Science – a blessing or a curse? 

For classes 11 and 12:

  1. Democracy is the best form of government. 
  2. Censorship and the freedom of speech. 

Students who are interested in participating in the competition are requested to contact their respective class teachers and submit their names by the 10th of April. The venue of the competition is conference hall number 2. The competition will start at 10 a.m. on the 12th of April. All the students are invited to enthusiastically participate in the event. For more details, please contact the undersigned. 

Visa Guide:  Notice Writing on Teacher's Day Celebration [With PDF]


Head Girl 

Example 2

St. Teresa School, Pune


17 September 2021


All the students of our school are hereby notified that our school is going to participate in an inter-school debate competition that will be held on the 25th of September. Other schools participating in the competition are St. Pius Convent School, St. Thomas School, South Point School and Maria’s Day School. The competition will be held separately for classes 6 to 8, 9 and 10 as well as 11 and 12. The topics for the debate competition are as follows:

For classes 6 to 8:

Topic – Giving is better than receiving. 

For classes 9 and 10:

Topic – Capital punishment. 

For classes 11 and 12:

Topic – Artificial intelligence. 

Students who are interested in participating in the competition are requested to contact their respective class teachers and submit their names by the 20th of September. All the students are expected to participate enthusiastically. For more information, please contact the undersigned. 


Vice Secretary

Visa Guide:  Notice Writing on Independence Day Celebration in Your School [PDF Available]

Example 3

Bidya Bharati School, Kolkata 


1st January 2022


All the students of classes IX to XII are notified that on the eve of Republic Day, a debate competition will be held in the Netaji Indoor Stadium, Kolkata, from 10 am. The topic of the debate is, Is post-colonial India still in need of British enlightenment? All participants will be provided with a time limit of 3 minutes and they should strictly adhere to it. All should be in uniforms to attend the debate. Interested people can submit their names to the school office by 15th January. After that, no one is allowed to participate. Everyone is requested to enthusiastically participate in this event and make it a big success. For more details, contact the undersigned.


[Debarati Chakraborty]

Example 4

New Hope Sunshine Club, Kolkata


1st January 2022


All members of the society are hereby informed that a debate competition will be organized by the local secretary of the New hope sunshine club for children between the ages of 16-20. The event is on 30th January, on the day of the Saraswati Puja. All interested participants are requested to submit their names to the club before the 20th. After that, all submissions will be closed. The topic of the debate is whether capitalism is a boon for the modern world. Participants are hereby informed to come in decent white clothes and a tricolour badge attached to them. The event will begin at 10 am. So the participants are requested to report by 9:30. No comments on any political or religious insensibility will be bothered. For further information please contact the undersigned.

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[Debopriya Chakraborty]
Club Secretary 

So, after going through this session, hopefully, all your doubts regarding this topic have been resolved. If you still have any kind of confusion, kindly let me know through the comment section below. I will attend to your query as soon as possible.

Keep browsing our website for more important sessions related to various kinds of English comprehension. And join our Telegram channel to get the latest updates on our upcoming sessions. Thank you for being with us. All the best. 
