Madhyamik English Writing Suggestion 2022 [With PDF]
WBBSE has declared Madhyamik Pariksha 2022 to be conducted from the 7th of March. This is the first board exam for most of the students of West Bengal. Hopefully, all the students have already finished their syllabus and are currently busy with their last-minute revisions.
Many such candidates tend to get confused with English Writing Compositions during their last-minute revision period. But to score better marks it is very important to do selective and effective reading.
In this session today, I am going to add value to the last-minute revision of those students with some important suggestions regarding English composition writing. In this session, we are going to cover all kinds of English compositions important for Madhyamik Pariksha 2022. So, let’s get started.

Table of Contents
- Important Letter Writing For Madhyamik 2022
- Important Report Writing For Madhyamik 2022
- Important Notice Writing For Madhyamik 2022
- Important Story Writing For Madhyamik 2022
- Important Biography For Madhyamik 2022
- Important Paragraph For Madhyamik 2022
- Important Process Writing For Madhyamik 2022
- Important Dialogue Writing For Madhyamik 2022
Important Letter Writing For Madhyamik 2022
Question 1: Write a letter to your friend informing him/her about your inability to attend his/her birthday party due to the sudden illness of one of your family members. Make use of the following hints to write the letter within 100 words.
Hints: Your friend invited you- Your wishes- A family member has fallen ill- Describe the illness- Your inability to attend the party
Question 2: Write a letter within 120 words to your uncle asking about his health as he recently recovered from covid-19. You should use the following points in your letter.
Hints: Your uncle recovered from Covid-19- Ask about current health- Steps he should take- Your advice- Your regards
Question 3: Write a letter to your brother from your boarding school about your recent experience of attending the republic day grand ceremony on your school campus. You can take the help of the following hints. [100 words]
Hints: You participated in a republic day grand ceremony- Flag upliftment- Honouring national heroes- Remembering freedom struggle- Cultural program- Speech by teachers
Question 4: Write a letter within 120 words to your sister expressing your concern regarding her study during the lockdown period. Make use of the hints mentioned below.
Hints: Expressing concern about your sister’s study- Lockdown is important to utilise- Study at home- Online education- Attend classes
Question 5: Write a letter to your best friend about your days inside your home during the pandemic. You should mention the following points in your letter. [120 words]
Hints: Lockdown due to pandemic- Boring days at home- Online classes- Watched TV- Read books- Helped parents- Learned news skill
Question 6: Illegal encroachments of footpaths create trouble for the people in their daily life. Write a letter within 100 words to the editor of any popular daily newspaper expressing your concern regarding this issue and suggest some possible measures. [120 words]
Hints: Roads are crowded- Footpaths are primary walkway- Encroachment of hawkers- People use streets- Accidents increased- poor administrative regulation, corruption and unemployment are the reasons- Hawkers’ rehabilitation
Question 7: Recently you have participated in a campaign to make people aware of the evil of drinking on world no alcohol day. Write a letter to the editor of a daily newspaper expressing your concern over this evil habit and explain the significance of such campaigns. Make use of the hints mentioned below. [120 words]
Hints: You participated in a campaign- Around 25000 people die every year in the world- UN decision: 2nd Oct: No-Alcohol day- You protested against alcohol selling near educational institutions- Plan- Conclusion
Question 8: Due to the recent hike in fuel prices, all the daily commodities have become expensive. Write a letter to the editor of any national newspaper, expressing your concern regarding this issue and look for some solutions to the government. [120 words]
Hints: Hike in fuel price- Transportation cost increased- Essential commodities became expensive- Hit the lower-income class- LPG price hike hit the kitchen directly- Request for the government.
Question 9: You face severe issues of traffic jams every day while going to school. Write a letter to the editor of a daily newspaper complaining about these issues within 100 words.
Hints: Traffic jam bothers you while going to school- Buses run and stop illegally- Regular delay in reaching classes- Harassment- Raise your concern for a solution
Question 10: Recently covid-19 has been severely spreading in your locality. Write a letter to the editor of a daily newspaper expressing your concern regarding the inactivity of the municipality despite this urgent situation. [100 words]
Hints: Covid-19 spreading severely- People are falling ill- Many are admitted in hospital- No public awareness- Municipality is taking no action despite the request
Question 11: Recently you are facing tremendous problems due to Mosquitoes in your locality. Write a letter to the municipal chair of your area complaining about this issue and ask for an immediate solution. Make use of the hints given below in your letter. [120 words]
Hints: Facing problems of mosquitos- Embarrassing situation- Disturbance in daily livelihood- Fear of diseases- Reason for mosquitos- Actions should be taken
Question 12: You want to organise a blood donation camp in your locality on behalf of a club. Write a letter within 120 words to the executive officer of the municipality seeking permission for the same. Take help of the hints given below.
Hints: Need for blood donation camp- Date- Venue- Details of the program- Seek permission
Question 13: You face a tremendous problem of water clogging in your locality during the monsoon season. Write a letter to the local councillor seeking an immediate solution to this problem. [100 words]
Hints: Face issue of water clogging every monsoon- Problems in daily life- Threat of diseases- Drains need to be deepened- Needs regular cleaning
Question 14: A road-crossing in your locality has become an accident-prone zone in recent times. Write a letter to the chairman of the local municipality informing about this issue and look for some viable solution. Make use of the following hints in your letter. [120 words]
Hints: Dangerous road crossing- Accidents often taking place- Absence of traffic norms- Need effective signal management
Question 15: You face tremendous problems due to scattered garbage around your school area. Write a letter to the local municipal officer explaining the whole issue and ask for installing garbage bins in the area.
Hints: School between two markers- Constant chaos- Garbage of waste materials- Scattered around the school- Lack of garbage bins- Request to install garbage bins from the municipality.
Question 16: Suppose you ordered a few books for your coaching library that were to be delivered a week ago. But as the books have not been delivered yet, write a letter to the dealer of the shop.
Hints: You ordered books- Not delivered despite a week passed- Important books for the library- Students are seeking- Exams nearby- Order invoice and books’ list attached
Question 17: Your newly purchased refrigerator has stopped working suddenly. Write a letter to the customer service manager of the company launching a complaint regarding this issue and look for some immediate solution.
Hints: Your refrigerator stopped working- Purchased recently- Installed by the company- No Physical damage- Claim your warranty- Need immediate solution
Question 18: Suppose you recently received a courier from one of your relatives in damaged condition. Write a letter to the customer care manager of the courier company complaining about this issue and seek compensation for this loss. [100 Words]
Hints: You received a courier package- Package delivered after ID verification- Packing box was damaged- You clicked photos before opening further- Flower vase was broken inside- Seeking compensation
Question 19: You want to close your bank account. Write an application to the branch manager of the bank requesting him/her to proceed with the process. [100 Words]
Hints: Account not needed- you want to close the account- Attach all documents- Request to proceed
Question 20: You want to take a leave of one week from your school to attend your sister’s marriage ceremony. Write an application within 120 letters to the headmaster of your school in this regard, Make use of the following points for reference.
Hints: Your need to take one week leave- Have to go to out of state to attend sister’s marriage- Will manage with the classes later- Request to grant this leave
Important Report Writing For Madhyamik 2022
Question 1: On last Monday, at Rajabazar in the district of North 24 Parganas three persons including a child, died after being struck by lightning. Write a newspaper report on the incident in about 120 words.
Question 2: Write a report on the cricket match that your school played against your neighbouring school. You can make use of the following points to write the report within 120 words.
Points: Match played- Date & venue- Teams played- Winning team- Difference of run- Man of the match- Trophy- Award distribution ceremony- Closing program
Question 3: write a report on the train accident in Firozabad between Kalindi Express and Bhagwa Express which collided on the morning of 23rd August. [100 words]
Points: Time 3 a.m-Conflicting reports of deaths- Army called in- A lot of lives lost- 298 deaths- Many injured- Many trains cancelled- Government announced compensation
Question 4: Write a report on a bank robbery that has taken place in a jewellery shop. Make use of the following hints in your report for informational reference.
Points: Date and place of occurrence- Robbers came in evening- Gang of 7 members- Armed- Snatched everything- One injured- Police investigation going on
Question 5: Write a report on the fire that broke out in a congested market. Make use of the following hints to write the report within 120 words.
Points: Date and place of occurrence- Fire broke out- Congested market- No precautionary measure- Fire brigade took 7 hours to control- Short circuit can be the reason- Investigation going on
Question 6: Write A Report On an Inter School Drawing Competition recently organised by your school. Make use of the following points to write your report within 120 words.
Points: Date and Time- Venue- All students participated- Students divided into three categories- Three artists were judges- Result announced- Prize distribution ceremony
Question 7: Recently an environment awareness program was launched from your school. Write a report on this program in your school magazine within 120 words. Make use of the following points for reference.
Points: Date and Venue- Motivation behind this program- Activities: Procession, Garbage cleaning, Elimination of plastic wastes- Tree plantation ceremony- Environment activists joined- Ending ceremony
Question 8: Recently on the 21st of May, the Odisha coast was hit by a massive cyclone. Prepare a report for a daily newspaper on this incident based on the following references.
Points: Cyclone hit- 160 km/h speed of the wind- Many people died- Hundreds injured- Thousands houses displaced-Coastal areas are full of seawater- Property Damaged- Huge monetary losses
Question 9: Recently your school has taken the initiative of helping underprivileged children from the adjacent areas. Write a report for your school magazine on this initiative. Make use of the following points to write the report within 100 words.
Points: Motivation behind this initiative- Financial help to children- Basic literacy program will be launched- Students will participate- Help in social welfare- Increase students’ social awareness
Question 10: Write a report on a cultural event organised by the municipal corporation on the occasion of National Youth Day. [100 words]
Points: Name of the municipality- 12th January, National Youth Day- Swami Vivekananda’s birth anniversary- Venue- Program details- Cultural functions- Speech by eminent speakers- Closing ceremony
Important Notice Writing For Madhyamik 2022
Question 1: Write a notice within 100 words to inform the students about the republic day ceremony in the school. Make use of the following hints to write the report.
Points: Date- Venue- Flag uplifting- Cultural function- Students are requested to participate- Last date and authority for name enrollment
Question 2: Your school is going to organise an inter-school debate competition. Write a notice within 100 words requesting the students to enrol their names. Make use of the following points to write your notice.
Points: Date & Venue- Program details- Topic of the debates- Group division- Last date of name enrollment- Name enrolling authority- Emergency contact
Question 3: Your coaching institute is going to conduct an admission test for eligible and interested students. Write a notice within 100 words on behalf of your coaching. Make use of the following points to write the notice.
Points: Admission test for what- Who are eligible- When will be conducted- Form fillup modes- Last date- Necessary fees
Question 4: A motorbike showroom is releasing three vacancies for female receptionists. Write a notice within 100 words on their behalf addressing this issue.
Points: Vacancies open- Designation- Job description- Eligibility criteria- Salary- How to apply- Last date of application- Whom to apply- Documents needed
Question 5: Your school is going to organise a literacy campaign in the adjacent localities. Write a notice within 120 words addressing the students of the school on this program. Make use of the points mentioned below to write your notice.
Points: What is the program- Date & Venue- Campaign- Program schedule- Request for active participation- Enrolling the names- Concerned authority- Emergency contact
Question 6: You are looking for a nurse to take care of a sick elder member of your family. Write a notice within 100 words to be published in a newspaper for this recruitment purpose. You should use the following points to frame your notice.
Points: Purpose- Type of sickness- Patient description- Desired criteria- Duty hours- Service fees- How to apply- Contact number- Documents needed
Question 7: Your school is going to postpone the scheduled exam to next month. Write a notice within 100 words on this issue on behalf of your school. Use the following points to write your notice.
Points: Postponing the exam- Reason- Date- New schedule- Further contacting authority
Question 8: Your coaching is looking for teachers for teaching English and Mathematics. Write a notice on this issue within 100 words. Make use of the following hints.
Points: Vacancy- Eligibility criteria- Job description- Remuneration- How to apply- Last date for application- Documents needed- Mode of selection- Contacting authority
Question 9: Suppose, recently one of your family members is not being found. Write a lookout notice concerning this issue within 100 words. Use the following points in your notice.
Points: Not found- Physical Description: Complexation, Last attire, Special identification mark- Contacting authority
Question 10: You have found a mobile phone while roaming around your local park. Write a notice to return this phone to its original owner. Use the hints given below for reference.
Points: Product found- Product description- Place of finding- Date of finding- Your contact- Collection method- Evidence to be provided
Important Story Writing For Madhyamik 2022
Question 1: Build up a story with the hints provided below. Provide a suitable moral at the end of the story.
Points: A dishonest shopkeeper gives underweight goods- When asked says “you have to carry less load”-The customer pays less- Says “you have to count less”
Question 2: Create a story with the following points along with a title and moral at the end.
Points: a woman’s son dead- Goes to Buddha to get back life- Lord asked to bring mustard seeds from the house where no one died- The mother went door to door- Failed to get such seeds- reported to Buddha- He advised
Question 3: Write a story based on the following points along with a title and a moral in the end.
Points: A rich widow lost eyesight- Doctor promised her recovery- Widow promised reward- Doctor removed the valuables of windows- Widow got back eyesight- She refused to reward her doctor- Doctor went to court- window period she cannot see her valuables- Doctor sentenced for stealing
Question 4: Retell the story as told by the second friend. Give a name to the first friend. Use direct narration and give a suitable title and moral.
Points: Two friends passing through a forest- A bear came out- The first friend climbed a tree- The second friend did not know how to climb- Knew that bear does not touch a dead man- Fell flat on the ground- Bear came out and smelled- Took him for dead and left- The first friend came down and asked “what did the bear still?”- The second friend answered- Keep away from the false friend
Question 5: Build up a story with the hints provided below. Provide a suitable moral at the end of the story.
Points: A Carter was driving a cart- Wheels sank into the mud- Carter whipped the bullocks in vain- Prayed to Hercules- Hercules asked the Carter to put his shoulder to the wheel- The cart moved
Question 6: Suppose you had witnessed a house on fire. Write out a story about it by answering the following questions. Add a suitable title to the story.
Points: Where did it happen- When did it happen- What did you see – What was the condition of the inmates- What did you do- What others did- How did you feel
Question 7: Write a story based on the following points along with a title and a moral in the end.
Points: A farmer had two lazy sons- Hit upon a plan- Announces hidden treasure in the field- Found no treasure- Planted- Golden wheat came out
Question 8: Build up a story based on the following points with a suitable title and moral.
Points: A cowboy tended cows near the forest- He raised the alarm of wolf for fun- Farmers came to help went back- He repeated the fun- Farmers disgusted- Wolf really came- Cowboy cried for help- Wolf killed the boy
Question 9: Build up a story e with the given points below. Give your story a suitable title and moral.
Points: A farmer found dying snake- Brought it home- Nursed to life- Farmer’s son tried to pat it- The snake rose to bite the boy- Farmer killed the snake
Question 10: Set up a story based on the points given below. Give your story a suitable title and moral.
Points: A farmer got a goose- Laid golden eggs daily- Wanted all eggs at a time- Cut the goose’s belly- Lost the goose and eggs
Important Biography For Madhyamik 2022
Question 1: Write a biography of Dr APJ Abdul Kalam within 120 words. Make use of the following hints.
Points: Birthday: October 15th 1931, Death: July 27 2015- Father was imam of a mosque- Poor family- Brilliant student- Eminent scientist- 11th president of India- Missile man of India
Question 2: Write a biography of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru within 100 words. You can take reference from the following points.
Points: Born: 14th November 1889- Father Motilal Nehru: Lawyer- Student of Oxford Trinity College- Indian anti-colonial Nationalist- first prime minister of independent India- Known as Chacha Nehru- Birthday celebrated as children’s day- Demise: 27th May 1964
Question 3: Write a biography of Soumitra Chattopadhyay within hundred words based on the following points.
Points: Birthday: 19th January 1935- Father Mohit Kumar Chatterjee- Film actor, director, playwright, writer, singer, and poet- Worked with Satyajit Ray- Demise: November 15th 2020
Question 4: Write a biography on Sandhya Mukhopadhyay within hundred words using the following points.
Points: Born: Oct 4, 1931, Kolkata- God gifted voice- Playback singer- Gave voice to many songs- Golden age of Bengali music- Received many awards- Highest civilian honour of Bengal: Banga Bibhushan- Demise: February 15th, 2022
Question 5: Write a short biography on Bappi Lahiri in less than 120 words.
Points: Original Name: Alokesh Aparesh Lahiri- Born: 27th November 1952, Jalpaiguri- Father: Aparesh Lahiri, Mother: Bansuri Lahiri, Both singer- Went to Mumbai- Singer, Music composer, Record producer- Popularised disco music in Bollywood- Worked both in Tollywood and Bollywood- Demise: February 15th, 2022, Mumbai
Question 6: Write a short biography on Satyajit Ray in less than 120 words. Make use of the following points.
Points: Born: May 2, 1921, Kolkata- Father: Sukumar Roy: Eminent author and poet- Developed interest in Photography- Filmmaker, Screenwriter, Essayist, Lyricist, Illustrator, Music composer, and Eminent Author of Bengali literature- Around 27 films directed- Written books- Published Magazine- Own Honorary Oscar for lifetime achievement, Bharat Ratna, Padmashree- Demise: April 23rd, 1992
Question 7: Write a biography on Rabindranath Tagore using the following points. [120 words]
Points: Born: May 7th, 1861, Kolkata- Father: Devendranath Tagore, Mother: Saradamani Devi- Poet, Writer, Playwright, Composer, Philosopher, Painter, Social Reformer- Composed thousands of musics, poetries- Wrote novels- Important book: Gitanjali, Galpaguchcho, etc- Won Nobel Prize in Literature- Returned knighthood protesting against Jallianwala Bagh massacre- Demise: 7 August, 1941
Question 8: Write a short biography on Sushant Singh Rajput in less than 100 words.
Points: Indian Actor- Born: 21 January 1986, Patna- Brilliant student- Engineer- Startrail enthusiast- Worked in many Bollywood movies- M.S Dhoni: The Untold Story, Kai Po Che- Successful- Death by suicide: June 14th, 2020
Question 9: Write a short biography on Mahasweta Devi. Make use of the following points to write the biography. [100 words]
Points: Bengali Writer- Birthday: January 14th, 1986, Dhaka, Bangladesh- Father: Manish Ghatak, Poet- Writer, Social activist- Eminent works: Hajar Churashir Maa, Rudali, Aranyer Adhikar, etc.- Worked for tribal people- Spouse: Bijon Bhattacharya, Dramatist- Child: Nabarun Bhattacharya, Poet- Demise: 28th July 2016
Question 10: Write a biography on Stan Lee in less than 120 words. Make use of the following hints to write the biography.
Points: American Comic Book Writer, Editor, Publisher- Birth: 28th December 1922- Created many characters: Black Panther, Iron man, Spiderman, Hulk, etc.- Own: The Will Eisner Award Hall of Fame- Father of Marvel comics- Demise: November 12, 2018
Question 11: Write a biography on Lata Mangeshkar within 120 words. Use the following hints to write your biography.
Points: One of the greatest and most influential singers of India- Born: September 28, 1929, Indore- Father: Dinanath Mangeshkar- Sister: Asha, Usha, Mina also playback singer- Gave her voice to around 25000 Songs, in 20 Indian Languages- Won Bharat Ratna, Filmfare Lifetime achievement award- AKA: Queen of Melody, Nightingale of India- Demise: February 6th, 2022
Important Paragraph For Madhyamik 2022
Question 1: Write a paragraph on Science In Daily Life using the following points.
Points: Introduction- Life of our forefathers, modern life, compare- Gift of science: electricity, newspaper, telephone, radio, TV, computer, etc.- Mechaniched materialistic life- Conclusion
Question 2: Write a paragraph on ‘My waste, My Responsibility’ based on the following hints.
Points: Introduction- Generation of waste material- Classification of wastes: Human wastes, factory wastes- Environmental pollution through chemical wastes- Threat of diseases- Mass awareness is needed- Proper waste management required- Conclusion
Question 3: Write a paragraph on ‘A trip to a hill station’ using the following points.
Points: Introduction and Destination- When you travelled- Your plan- How you travelled- Your activities- Food- Your overall experience- Conclusion
Question 4: Write a paragraph on ‘The first day in School’ taking help of the following points.
Points: Your age- First feeling after entering- First friend in school- First impression about teachers- Facilities- Overall experience- Conclusion
Question 5: Write a paragraph on Noise Pollution using the following points.
Points: Introduction: An issue of major concern- Effects people badly- Causes major diseases: Heart issues, Nausea, Migren, Mental sickness- Factories, Extreme vehicle horns, Sound of Crackers, loudspeakers are the source- Mass awareness needed- Conclusion
Question 6: Write a paragraph within 100 words on ‘The Most Memorable Day in Your Life’, based on the following points.
Points: Introduction- Date/Day – A description of the day – Your role on that day – Why is the day memorable to you?- Conclusion
Question 7: Write a paragraph on A Book You Recently Read, using the following points. [120 words]
Points: Introduction- Name of the Book and Author- What the book was based on- Your motivation to read the book- Why did you like the book- What did you learn- Conclusion
Question 8: Write a paragraph on ‘My Hobby’ using the following points. [100 Words]
Points: Introduction- Your hobby- Your motivation to pursue your hobby- How it helps you- What outcome you have of it- Conclusion
Question 9: Write a paragraph within 100 words on World Peace using the following points.
Points: Introduction-World Wars from past- Peace is required for prosperity- Concept of ‘Live and let live’- Everybody should act out of humanity- Elimination of Discrimination- Conclusion
Question 10: Write a paragraph on Solar Energy using the following points. [100 words]
Points: Introduction- Solar energy is renewable- Has huge potential- Can replace non-renewable sources- Cost-saving- Environment-friendly- Conclusion
Important Process Writing For Madhyamik 2022
Question 1: Study the following points and write a paragraph on how hand sanitiser is made.
Points: Collecting isopropyl alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, distilled water, glycerin and essential oils – Adding 4 cups of isopropyl alcohol, 1/4th cup of hydrogen peroxide, 4 teaspoons of glycerin and 1 cup of distilled water in a clean bowl – Mixing the contents well – Stirring in a few drops of essential oils (lemon, eucalyptus, peppermint or lavender oil) – Pouring the solution into a bottle – Labeling
Question 2: Study the following points and write the process of making potato chips at home.
Points: Buying raw potatoes from the market – Collecting all the necessary ingredients like a large pan, frying oil, salt and seasonings – Washing the potatoes – Peeling and trimming – checking and selecting – Slicing thinly – Drying – Heating oil – Frying – Adding salt and other seasonings – Serving or storing
Question 3: Study the following points and write a paragraph on how mango pickles are prepared.
Points: Green mangoes- Sorting- Removing rotten ones- Cleaning- Cutting into pieces- Drying- Spices and salt, mustard oil and chilli mixing- Keeping in a big flat pot in the sun- Pouring into jars.
Question 4: Write the process of making soaps through the points mentioned below.
Points: Coconut oil, caustic soda, water- Heated for 30 minutes- Allowed to cool- Common salt added- Kept for 12 hours- Cut to cakes- Ready for use
Question 5: Write a paragraph on how phenyl is prepared through the help of the following points.
Points: crushed resin, castor oil boiled- Cooling- Mixing caustic soda solution- Stirring the solution- Pour creosote oil- left for 10 minutes- Add carbonic acid, Potassium permanganate- Pour water- Stir the solution- Pour into another pot- Leave it for 24 hours- Phenyl prepared
Question 6: Describe in about a hundred words how clothes are washed and made ready to wear. You can use the following points given below.
Points: Soap pieces, Water- Dirty clothes- Mixture- Leave for 15 minutes-scrub- Rinse- Dry- Press / Iron- Ready to wear
Question 7: Use the following points to write a paragraph describing how handmade paper is made ready for market.
Points: Collect rags/ torn clothes- Cut into small pieces- Wash and clean- Soak in bleach for 3 to 4 days- Beat into pulp- Spread and lift in fine wire-net trays- Drain out excess water- Overturn on blanket pieces- Dry in Sun for heating chamber- Lift paper from blanket pieces and dip it in liquid gum- Dry again and pack- Ready for market.
Question 8: Study the following points and write a paragraph on the processing of bread.
Points: Some Atta or Flour- A little salt and water mixed and kneaded- Dough formed- made into small balls- Rolled out to make a round in shape- Then baked- Ready to eat
Question 9: Through the help of the following points write down the preparation of lemon squash.
Points: lemons collected and Scrubbed- Scrapping the lemon rind- Left to cool- Squeezing out the juice- Straining it through a sieve into a bowl- Mixing citric acid and sugar- Poured into dry bottles.
Question 10: Study the following points and write a paragraph on how Rubbers are made.
Points: Latex collected and sent to factory- Chemicals added to the latex- Rubber slab formed in few hours- Rollers passed to make thin- Sheet cut to pieces- Sheets sent to smoke- House for drying- Dried pieces packed- Bales shipped to different countries
Important Dialogue Writing For Madhyamik 2022
Question 1: A patient goes to a doctor with some physical complications. Write a dialogue between the doctor and his patient giving five sentences to each of the patient and the doctor.
Question 2: Suppose a cyclist had dashed against you when you were heading to school. Write a dialogue on the alteration you had with him.
Question 3: You went to the passport Seva Kendra to apply for an International passport. Write a dialogue on the conversation between you and the executive officer of the office.
Question 4: Suppose you have gone to a bookstore to buy a few books for your school. Write a dialogue on the conversation you had with the shopkeeper. Write at least five sentences as the dialogue of the shopkeeper and you.
Question 5: Write a conversation between a student and his teacher in the class on the problem of the students in learning English.
Question 6: Write a dialogue between you and your uncle on a debate over the effects of watching Television. Use the points given below. You are for the TV and your uncle is against it.
Entertains. Educates. A world within walls. Good leisure. | Harm eyes. Social Isolation. Some morally harmful shows. Kill reading habit- An idiot box. |
Question 7: Write a dialogue between two friends in the exam hall before or after the exam.
So, that was all about our session on discussing the important suggestions for the Upcoming Madhyamik Pariksha 2022. In this session, we have discussed important topics for almost all kinds of English writing comprehension.
Hopefully, you have found this session helpful. If you still have any queries about this session kindly let me know in the comment section below. I’ll be there to help you out with your doubt as soon as possible. You can find hundreds of sessions covering various important English writing comprehensions on our website.
Kindly join our Telegram channel to get all updates on our upcoming sessions. Thank you for being with us. All the best for your exam. Have a great day ahead.