Anchoring Script for Republic Day [With PDF]
In this session, you will learn how you can write an anchoring script for a Republic Day Celebration.
Table of Contents
- How to Start?
- Honouring the Chief Guest
- Flag Hoisting
- Flag Salute
- National Anthem
- Pledge
- Speech by the Principal
- Speech by Students
- Patriotic Song
- Cultural Program
- Prize Distribution
- Speech by the Chief Guest
- National Song
- End of the Event and Sweet Distribution

How to Start?
26th January is celebrated every year as Republic Day in India. It was on 26th January 1950 that the constitution of India came into effect and our country became a Republic. Thus, the day is celebrated with great patriotism. On 26th January, events are held in various schools, colleges and local clubs. These events include flag hoisting, singing the National Anthem and other patriotic songs, speeches and cultural programs.
If you are going to anchor a Republic day event, this script will definitely help you. An anchor should always start a program with a fitting quote, a poem or some famous saying so that he or she is able to capture the attention of the audience. For Republic day events, patriotic quotes or poems can be a good start. After that, it is important to follow up with a good welcome speech.
For Example:
“Hello, good morning and very Happy Republic Day to all. Today is India’s 74th Republic Day. It has been 74 years since the constitution of India came into effect and our nation became a Republic. I am [your name], your host for today and on this beautiful day, I warmly welcome you all to [school/college name]’s Republic Day event. We are really honoured to have the Honourable Ramesh Patel, M.L.A., as our chief guest today. Honourable chief guest, respected principal sir/ma’am, dear teachers, guardians and students, I am very glad to have you all with us today and I welcome you with all my heart to witness and enjoy the event. Thank you.”
Honouring the Chief Guest
“I would first like to invite our respected principal, Mr/ Ms [full name] and our honourable guest, Mr Ramesh Patel, to please come up on the stage. Thank you.
Now, I would like to request our Principal sir/ma’am to honour our chief guest with a bouquet and memento. We thank you for gracing us with your presence. Thank you.”
After the ceremony
“Thank you, respected sir/ ma’am. I would now request you to please take your seats and enjoy the event. Thank you. Let’s give them a huge round of applause.”
Flag Hoisting
“A thoughtful mind, when it sees a nation’s flag, sees not the flag, but the nation itself.” – Henry Ward Beecher
“It is now time for the flag hoisting ceremony. I would like to invite our chief guest, Mr Patel, as well as our principal, Mr/Ms [full name] to please come up to the hoisting stage and start the ceremony. Thank you.”
Flag Salute
“I would request everyone to please stand at attention and salute our tricolour. Thank you.”
National Anthem
“Now, it is time for us to sing our National Anthem. May I request everyone to stand up straight in attention and sing the anthem as our school/college band plays the tune? Thank you.”
“Our National pledge is our oath of allegiance to our nation, the Republic of India. May I request everyone to stand straight in attention and say the national pledge after me? Thank you.
India is my country. And All Indians are my brothers and sisters.
I love my country and I am proud of its rich and varied heritage.
I shall always strive to be worthy of it.
I shall give my parents, teachers, and all elders; respect and treat everyone with courtesy.
To my country and my people, I pledge my devotion.
In their well-being and prosperity alone lies my happiness.
Thank you, everyone. You may now take your seats.”
Speech by the Principal
“I would now request our respected principal sir/ma’am to please come up on the stage and say a few words on this special occasion of our independence day. Thank you.”
After the speech
“Thank you, Sir/ Ma’am. Your words always inspire and encourage us. Indeed, we are the citizens of this great nation and we must never take our freedom and our constitution for granted. We will always remember your words. Thank you. Everyone, please give him/ her a huge round of applause. Thank you.”
Speech by Students
“As long as you don’t achieve social liberty, whatever freedom is provided by the law is of no avail to you.” – B. R. Ambedkar
“Our students have prepared speeches today on various topics like social liberty, law and order, freedom, constitution and more. I would now like to invite them on the stage to present their speeches. First, we have Mr/Ms [student’s name] from class [x]. He/she will be expressing her views on the topic of social liberty. I would like to request Mr/Ms [name] to please come up on the stage. Thank you.”
After the speech
“Thank you, Mr/Ms [student’s name]. That was indeed an amazing speech. You may now take your seat. Next, I would like to invite Mr/Ms [student’s name] on the stage to present his/her speech on the topic of [topic]. Thank you.”
Similarly, you can invite and introduce the rest of the students.
Patriotic Song
“Where words fail, music speaks.” – Hans Christian Andersen
“Now our school/college choir will sing a patriotic song. May I request the choir members to take their positions? Thank you so much. To everyone else, I request, please take your seats and maintain silence. Thank you.”
After the song
“That was beautiful. Everyone, please give them a huge round of applause. Thank you so much.”
Cultural Program
“India is a land of rich beauty and cultural diversity. On this beautiful day, the students of our institution are going to perform a dance that brings together that diversity and creates perfect harmony. This fusion dance takes inspiration from the classical and folk dance forms of all the different regions of India. I would now like to invite the participants to the stage. Thank you.”
After the performance
“What a wonderful performance. Thank you so much. I would like to request everyone to please give them a huge round of applause.
Prize Distribution
“It is now time for the prize distribution ceremony. We had our annual sports days on the 23rd of January and the winners are going to be awarded today. I would like to request our honourable chief guest and our respected principal sir/ma’am to please come up on the stage so that we can start the ceremony. Thank you.
I will now be calling out the names of the winners one by one… “
Speech by the Chief Guest
“A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history when we step out from the old to the new; when an age ends; and when the soul of a nation long suppressed finds utterance.” – Jawaharlal Nehru
“We are now approaching the end of this event. But we can not conclude it without having our honourable chief guest say a few words. So, I request honourable Mr Patel to please come up on the stage and say a few words. Thank you.”
After the speech
“Thank you so much, sir. We will always remember your words. Thank you. You may now take your seat.”
National Song
“It is time for us to sing our national song, Vande Mataram. I request everyone to please stand straight and follow our choir. Thank you.”
End of the Event and Sweet Distribution
“One of the pioneers of our country Lala Lajpat Rai once said, We must have complete faith in ourselves. We can be successful only if we believe in our efforts. ‘Nations are made by themselves. We can take guidance, cooperation, and advice in certain matters but not patronage and diction in all the matters. We are not children but a mature nation with the wisdom of 6000 years behind us.
“With that, we have now come to the conclusion of the event. Thank you all for attending today’s Republic day event and making it successful. A special thank you to our chief guest, honourable Mr Patel, for taking time out from his extremely busy schedule and attending our event. Thank you so much. Thank you all.
We have prepared sweets for everyone. Please receive them before leaving. And once again, a very happy Republic day. Have a great day. Take care.”
Note: This is a sample script meant to provide you with a basic idea of how to write an anchoring script for an event on the occasion of republic day. Feel free to use this script and edit it as per your needs.